Get Paid To Process Bills | No Degree – Work From Home Job | Make $800 A Week | Work From Home Job

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Hey hey hey it is TNG from two chicks With the side hustle coming at you with Another work from home position but Before we get started do me a favor and Hit that red subscribe button also hit That Bell notification button so you can Be notified whenever we post a new video Or do a live stream and remember on this Channel sharing is caring so do me a Favor take one of our YouTube videos Share it with your friends family anyone Who is looking to work from home and Come back under this video and type I Shared and you will be entered into a Drawing to win one of ten laptop Computers once we reach 100 000 subscribers And also we will be giving away two Additional computers on Facebook on our Facebook business page once we reach 100 000 followers so get to sharing and that Increases your chances of winning thank You so much to those of you who have Shared already Okay today guys our position comes from Um presence and they provide online Speech and occupational therapy and Mental health counselings to students Who are Pre-K Um To 12th grade Um they're looking for someone to join Their Finance team Um you will be a billing representative

And you will work with customers sales And other Finance team members who Assure invoicing and time keep it time Keeping is completed on a timely and Accurately basis Um you will be a key player in making Sure that this happens you'll utilize Customer platforms as necessary to Ensure proper invoicing on your contact Customers and providers via phone and Email about billing issues Um you'll make sure you tell management Or go to management about uh customer Accounts that you cannot collect on Um you'll be doing accounts receivable Tasks you'll facilitate customer Provider Communications you'll maintain Records within the company-wide system Um you'll need a high school school Diploma one to two years of accounts Receive more collections from you must Be action oriented ability to multitask Working knowledge again of Microsoft Excel that keeps coming up Um and high-speed internet that is Sufficient to support the systems as Well as video conferencing They pay twenty dollars an hour And it says all employees must to commit To be available on camera for their core Working hours which is nine noon to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time so um they also Give you a 500 office stipend Um so if you have any of these skills

And Um they are looking for anyone who is Located across the U.S so again they are Based in New York City but they're Looking for people across the U.S so Make sure you click that apply here Button and go ahead and apply thank you So much have a great day bye-bye

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