Get Paid To Test Video Games | Skip The Interview | Use Your Phone | Best Side Hustle 2022

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Hey hey two chicks fam happy Thursday it Is me Carl I am back with another skip The interview and with this one guys you Can use your cell phones but before I Get into it now if you missed that live Stream that we did last night be sure to Go back guys check out the video we Talked about 10 work from home chat jobs These companies are hiring right now Make sure you guys go back check it out Let us know in the comments what type of Work from home job side gig or hustle You guys are looking for and if you are Looking for more non-phone jobs or the Skip the interview side hustles be sure To hop over here check them out on the Non blog smash that Red subscribe button turn on that Bell Notification make sure you guys thumbs Up these videos and make sure you share Because guys we have recently purchased 10 more laptops and we are trying to Give them away before the end of the Year and today it is December the 1st so Happy December make sure you share the Video guys go spread the word tell a Friend come back leave us a comment down Below don't forget to sign up for Branded surveys guys the link is down Below in the comment section let's go Ahead and get into the video so this Company playtest Cloud they have been Emailing me like crazy this is one of Those ones guys that you want to get in

Your basket it won't make you rich However it can put some easy peas easy Side hustle cash in your pockets and I Believe they pay out via PayPal so what You're gonna do you're gonna sign up if You're eligible they will send you a Qualification test now the qualification Test it is unpaid but it will teach you How to do play test clouds if you fail The qualification test guys don't worry They will let you retake the test after You qualify they will invite you to play Test where you can earn money and all You guys have to do It's click where it says apply here this Will take you over to their website Where you can apply for this easy peasy Side hustle now I know a lot of you Probably have a lot of questions like How much do they pay and Etc they have All of that information posted over on Their website I believe they pay like Nine to eleven dollars per test and we Did have someone on the live stream one Of our subscribers she shared that she Signed up with this company and she has Already been paid out thirty dollars Just for taking some of these tests so Guys get this side hustle egg in your Basket again it will not make you rich But it can put a little bit of money in Your pockets for maybe some groceries or Some gas or something like that so it's Always good to have these side hustle

Eggs in your basket especially if you Are working a contractor position and The position ends and you need to crack Open the egg you already have this one In your basket so make sure you guys Check this one out again it is playtest Cloud it is posted over here on the Non-foam blog and I will be sure to Leave a link right below the video in The description box so you guys can Check out the company make sure you go Over to Google there is no interview However still go over to Google type in Playtest Cloud check out their reviews See what comes up about this company or Go to to see if they have any Reviews posted over on that website and Then you want to share my video guys Because we are trying to give away these 10 laptops that we recently purchased so We already have the laptops we're just Waiting and hopefully we can get to a Hundred thousand subscribers before the End of the year so we can bless some People with these items go over to Facebook join us kiss that cubicle Goodbye make sure you guys follow us Over on our Facebook business page we're Giving away two additional laptops over On that platform once we reach a hundred Thousand followers so all you guys have To do is hop over there follow us and Start sharing the content or you can tag

Your friends and family members that is A form of sharing because on our Channel Guys sharing is caring so make sure you Guys hop over there and check us out and Don't forget to follow follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and on Instagram two chicks With the side hustle now on Instagram we Are doing a pop-up giveaway so we have a Lot of giveaways going on now the pop-up Giveaway We're not gonna tell you guys When because it's a pop-up giveaway We're just gonna pop up on the live and We're going to give away something it Could be a hundred dollar gift card it Could be another laptop computer or a Desktop we've never given away a desktop Before it could be a desktop so make Sure you are following us over on Instagram two chicks with a side hustle Create some stories share us on your Platform let your friends and family Members know what we do and what we are All about my name is Carol and I will Catch you amazing fantastic lovely People in the next video bye [Music]

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