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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great back with Another job for you guys this is going To be a high paying job with the company Elevation and they're currently looking For a senior data acquisition especially To work full-time so let's go ahead and Get into the details a senior data Acquisition specialist is going to Configure and facilitate consistent and Reliable connections to their requisite Data sources such as student Demographics teacher information class Schedules and test results you'll work Directly with the partners while Receiving internal support from Elevation success managers integration Specialists and Engineers you're going To be working with the partners through Calls and Screen shares to create Connections and extracts of key data Points that power elevations products And services you're going to be Responsible for ensuring that the data We receive on an ongoing basis from the Partners remains clean and consistent And you're going to work directly with The partners to troubleshoot and resolve Issues related to data connections and Delivery you're going to work with the Law larger team of the data integration Specialists and Engineers that's Responsible for taking data provided by

The data acquisition specialist and Transforming it to meet elevations Ingestion specifications and you're Going to work closely to understand the Shifting needs of elevations partners And products and collaborate to solve Complex problems and improve data Acquisition and integration processes so They'd like for you to have experience Working directly with customers in a Relationship management product Technical support Solutions sales Engineer or similar role experience Conducting basic data analysis using Text editors spreadsheets or SQL strong Verbal and written communication a Passion for creating robust operational Processes and documentation from Bare Bones requirements and instructions also Prior knowledge of school information Systems especially around aspects of Extracting data some knowledge of data Vendor Partners would be helpful but not Required this job does pay between 80 And 100k a year of course that's going To depend on your experience and your Location here's the application right Here so of course if you're interested In applying go ahead and check out the Link in the description bar if you guys Have any questions or any comments leave Those below as usual I appreciate you Guys so much for watching I'll see you In my next video and good luck to

Everyone who applies for the job

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