High Paying! Will Be Gone Soon | Non Phone Work From Home Job | Data Entry $25-$30 An Hour | Remote

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What's up two chicks fam it is me Carl I Am back with a high paying data entry Work from home job but before I jump Into the awesome video make sure you Subscribe like and share on this channel We do real giveaways and we are giving Away 10 more brand new laptops Absolutely free to you guys so be sure To go spread the word go tell a friend Come back leave us a comment now tan Dropped a non-phone chat job on the Channel earlier today be sure to go back Guys check out the video she also Dropped a non-phone easy peasy side Hustle egg make sure you guys sign up For that one hop over to the two chicks With the side hustle.com blog look under The spotlight job section and apply for Omni interactions they still need people For their customer service work from Home positions be sure guys to share That one tell a friend about Omni Interactions because this is a no Interview beginner friendly company with Weekly pay make sure sure you guys look Down below in the comment section and Sign up to branded surveys and let us Know in the comments what type of work From home job or side hustle that you're Looking for and if you are looking for The non-phone jobs be sure to check them Out over here on the Non-phoneworkathome.com blog let's jump Into the video so the company is called

Cotton colors they are looking to feel Their data entry specialist remote work From home position now it says that we Are seeking a detail-oriented Professional data entry operator to Compile capture and maintain our digital Database as a professional data entry Operator you will be required to compile Merge and format documents for data Entry check documents for errors input Data and update the database and manage The digital filing systems now I do see Here guys that you will maintain and Control procedures and inventory based On customer requirements processing of Customer orders reconciling bols Scheduling of carriers invoicing and Verifying rates reconcile physical Inventories in accordance with customer And Company requirements follow through On the customer request maintain Reconciliation between customers and Warehouse now As you guys can see here I do see Full-time part-time I'm not 100 sure if You will start part-time and then the Job will move to full time now the pay Rate guys is 25 to 30 dollars per hour And the company will offer benefits Which is a great thing I see dental Insurance flexible spending accounts Health insurance life insurance paid Time off and Etc now you will need some Skills in order to apply to this company

Data entry two years this is required Admin two years this is also required so The information it is posted on our Non-phone blog and there will be a Direct link right below the video in the Description box so you guys can apply to Cotton colors be sure to go over to Google and type in the company's name Jot down the information about the Company just in case you get an Interview you want to be prepared and Not surprised make sure you guys hop on Over to Facebook join us the name of our Group it is kiss that cubicle goodbye Make sure you are following us over on Our two chicks with the side hustle Facebook business page we are going to Give away two additional laptops guys Brand new and absolutely free just make Sure you come over there follow us tag Your friend family member on the post or You can share the post on your personal Or business Pages make sure you guys Follow us on Instagram so we can do this Giveaway and today is the 29th so we Have the 30th and the 31st to do it make Sure you are over there two chicks with The side hustle you can tag a friend Guys or you can create a story put us in Your stories or create some reels and Put us in those reels my name is Carol And I will catch you wonderful lovely Amazing people on that next video bye YouTube

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