Hiring Asap! Recruiter Reached Out | Hiring In All States | Get Paid To Inspect Properties

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Want to do two chicks fam it's me Curl Happy New Year guys now if you missed The live stream from earlier today make Sure you guys go back check out the Video look under the video in the Description box to get the link because We talked about 15 easy peasy side Hustle eggs that everybody should sign Up for today so make sure you guys check Out that video don't forget to hop over Here to the two chicks blog look under The spotlight job section make sure you Apply for Omni interactions they are Hiring like crazy for their tax client So be sure to come over here guys and Check them out make sure you share make Sure you subscribe like and share to the Channel be sure to do this because we Are trying to get to a hundred thousand Subscribers on this YouTube channel Hopefully we can get there before the End of the month because we're giving Away 10 more brand new laptop computers And they are absolutely free so make Sure you guys go spread the word tell Everybody that we do real giveaways on This channel and we also will bring you Guys the latest work from home jobs and Side hustles let us know in the comments What type of work from home job or side Hustle you're looking for and be sure to Sign up for Branded surveys the link is Down below in the comments section let's Get into the video so I'm excited about

This one because the recruiter from Millennium Services guys they reached Out to us so let's jump right on in the First thing you want to do come on the Blog two chicks with a side hustle.com Look under the spotlight job section Click on Millennium Services now she Stated that they are hiring in all 50 States they're looking to feel this Independent property inspector position Now this is not a work from home job This one guys is more like a side hustle If you have been watching us and we Talked about a company called we go look And if you are on already with we go Look then this would be a perfect side Hustle egg to add to to the basket to Your other side hustle eggs that you Already have so this is what it says it Says that we are looking for local Independent contractors 1099 position to Perform exterior and interior Residential property inspections now you Don't need a license or a certification To do this type of job it's where gig we Provide the training and ongoing support That you will need the inspectors are Paid a flat fee per completed inspection No mileage or expenses are paid Compensation varies by location and type Of inspection with this one guys Uncapped earning potential this is a Great opportunity to earn some extra Income for those of you that have been

Saying on the live streams down in the Comments that you are looking for more Side hustle eggs guys check out this Company the description it says the Inspector's primary focus is to Photograph document the addition of the Property identify any visible hazards And determine occupancy in addition the Inspectors determine the building type The materials and measure the exteriors Of homes Now using millennium's Proprietary software inspectors sketched The home's footprint upload the pictures Report any hazards and answer client Specific questions contact with the Homeowners and or tenants this may be Required guys to do a some type of Inspections or some inspections daytime Availability is required for this role Of course you don't want to go to Nobody's home in the dark it says that You will need reliable transportation Reliable personal computer with Windows And high-speed internet access such as Chrome Safari or Firefox a digital Camera Um And it does have the measurements listed Here as well a camera Pole now you may Need this in case you have to take a Picture of the home they may want you Guys to be in the picture just to make Sure it is you I really don't know I Couldn't answer that question I don't

Insurance on any vehicle used for the Inspection services and it does say is That the proof for this will be required So you will have to show that now I do See some skills listed here ability to Deliver quality work while meeting firm Deadlines ability to organize prioritize Work assignments ability to work Independently with minimum supervision Critical thinking skills attention to Detail intermediate PC skills you are Familiar with the mapping software basic Understanding of building types and Materials inspection field survey Construction or real estate experience It is preferred but if you don't have it You still can't apply for this position Now from my understanding guys they need People ASAP so I'm gonna say the Recruiter reached out they're hiring ASAP the company is Millennium Services I really don't know how much they pay Per inspection But it is uncapped earning potential so This could be a great side hustle for Somebody now if it is not for you Because I know some of the things that We post there they are not for each and Every single individual that looks at This YouTube channel or follows this YouTube channel so if it is not for you But however you know someone in your Family a friend or a next door neighbor That would be interested in something

Like this let them know this information Guys we're trying to get this Information out to the masses and help As many people as we can so make sure You come over to the blog two chicks With the side hustle.com look under the Spotlight job section for millennium Information Services Inc click there you Will be taken here to their website Where you can apply to this side hustle So they're hiring for an independent Property inspector I don't know the pay This is a contract 1099 position with Uncapped earning potential and I'm Pretty sure you can work this however You want to work it if you want to work It probably maybe one or two days a week If they have work available I'm pretty Sure that you can do that make sure you Go over to Google do some research know Something about the company now I don't Know if they're going to interview you Guys for this one or not I don't think They are I'm not a hundred percent sure Though but I don't think so but just in Case they do you will have already Researched the company because you need To know who you work for this is very Important people don't take nobody Else's word for it you do the research Yourself go over to Google type in Millennium Information Services Inc Check out their reviews see what comes Up about them jot the information down

Just in case you get an interview you Will be prepared and not surprised make Sure you hop on over to Facebook join us It is kiss that cubicle goodbye and if You're ready to do just that we do have A lot of other jobs posted in the group That may or may not have been posted on This YouTube channel so we would love For you guys to come on over there it's The new year it's time to get on board So you guys can get these work from home Jobs don't count yourself out don't Think that you cannot get these jobs Don't think you don't qualify for these Jobs come on over there start applying Get the resume together get those Keywords get that job description search For those keywords put it on their Resume and boom you never know you just May get an interview and you may even Get the job so don't count yourself out Come on over there read some of the Success stories from others this should Be the motivation to get you guys going Make sure you follow us on our two Chicks with the side hustle Facebook Business page on this page guys we are Giving away two more additional laptop Computers absolutely free free free free Free so make sure you come on over there Follow us and start sharing our content Over there as well so it would be the Same type of giveaway that we do over Here on the YouTube channel follow us on

On Instagram and on Twitter it is two Chicks with the side hustle now we did a Giveaway yesterday on Instagram so you Never know when we may do another pop-up Giveaway so you want to be following us You want to stay in the loop my name is Carl I will catch you wonderful lovely Amazing people on that next video bye Bye YouTube

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