How to Earn Between $37-$60 per Hour Without Using Your Phone: A Comprehensive Guide #shorts

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Looking for a way to earn some extra cash without having to use your phone? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to make between $37-$60 per hour without ever having to use your phone. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a full-time job, this guide has got you covered. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive right in!

How to Earn Between $37-$60 per Hour Without Using Your Phone: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of spending hours on the phone dealing with customers or clients? Do you long for a job that allows you to work from the comfort of your own home without having to constantly be on the phone? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you how to find high paying remote jobs that don’t require a phone.


The rise of the digital age has revolutionized the way we work. With the advent of the internet, it is now possible to work from virtually anywhere. And with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies are transitioning to remote work. This means that now is the perfect time to start looking for remote jobs that don’t require a phone.

Below are some tips to help you find a high-paying remote job that doesn’t require constant phone usage.

Tip 1: Use Job Search Websites

There are many job search websites that are specifically tailored towards remote work. Some popular websites include, FlexJobs, and We Work Remotely. These websites allow you to filter your job search based on specific criteria, such as location, job type, and salary.

Tip 2: Look for “Hiring Now” Jobs

Many companies are hiring now due to the ongoing pandemic. Look for jobs that have a “Hiring Now” tagline, as these jobs are more likely to be urgently looking for new hires. This also means that they may be willing to pay a higher rate in order to get the job filled quickly.

Tip 3: Check Out the Video

The video accompanying this article provides valuable information on how to find high-paying remote jobs that don’t require a phone. The video offers a link to a job posting for Senior Financial Analysts, which pays between $37-$60 per hour.

Tip 4: No Special Qualifications Needed

You don’t need special qualifications or skills to qualify for remote jobs that don’t require a phone. Many job postings only require a high school diploma or equivalent. However, having relevant work experience or a bachelor’s degree can increase your chances of landing the job.

Tip 5: Check the Job Requirements

Be sure to carefully read the job requirements before applying. Some jobs may require specific experience or qualifications, while others may require certain software proficiency. It’s important to make sure you meet the requirements before applying.


Finding a high-paying remote job that doesn’t require a phone is possible with some careful research and a little bit of perseverance. By utilizing job search websites and looking for “Hiring Now” jobs, you can find a job that pays between $37-$60 per hour. And with no special qualifications required, anyone can find success in the remote job market.


Q1: Do I Need Special Skills or Qualifications to Qualify for a Remote Job?

A1: No, you don’t need special skills or qualifications to qualify for a remote job. However, having relevant work experience or a bachelor’s degree can increase your chances of landing a high-paying remote job.

Q2: What Are Some Job Search Websites for Remote Jobs?

A2: Some popular job search websites for remote jobs include, FlexJobs, and We Work Remotely.

Q3: Are Companies Hiring Now for Remote Jobs?

A3: Yes, many companies are hiring now due to the ongoing pandemic. Look for jobs that have a “Hiring Now” tagline, as these jobs are more likely to be urgently looking for new hires.

Q4: What Should I Do Before Applying for a Remote Job?

A4: Before applying for a remote job, be sure to carefully read the job requirements. Some jobs may require specific experience or qualifications, while others may require certain software proficiency. It’s important to make sure you meet the requirements before applying.

Q5: Where Can I Find Daily Work From Home Job Leads?

A5: The YouTube channel referenced in the video accompanying this article provides daily work from home job leads at 7AM CST.

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