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Hey hey hey happy Monday two chicks fam It's me Carl I am back with another work From home video if you are looking for The non-phone jobs the data entry chat Jobs make sure you guys hop over check Them out on the non blog make sure you Guys go back check out the live stream We talked about some quick higher Companies so if you are still looking For a work from home job be sure to Check out that video the link to the Jobs are posted right below that video In the description box make sure you Guys share because on this channel guys We give away laptop computers and we are Giving away 10 more laptops they are Absolutely free to you guys just make Sure you take the videos share them and Go tell a friend invite your people over Here to this YouTube channel be sure to Smash that red subscribe button turn on That Bell notification and make sure you Guys thumbs up the videos also guys hop Over to the two 6 blog remember to look Under the spotlight job section apply For Omni and apply for tell us and don't Forget to sign up for Branded surveys The link is down below in the comments Section and let us know what type of Work from home job or side hustle you Guys are looking for let's jump in so The company is called Rupa Health they Are looking to feel their customer

Support agent position now it says here The responsibilities are as follows you Will follow up and see through Resolutions on our customer support Inquiries across channels including Phone calls emails live chat and support Center requests author informative and Thorough how-to messages using excellent Communication skills to maintain a high Csat present the represent the voice of Our customers internally at Rupa Health By sharing customer feedback including Using the intercom process Services Learn Rupa Health's rapidly evolving Products contribute suggestions from Your built experience on updating our Support center and templates to keep Pace with these changes we're looking For someone with the following ideal Recent college grad with Scrappy hustle Mentality must be available for a full Normal eight hour work day must be Available for company meetings during The day over Zoom flexible 8 A.M to 6 P.m availability in your time zone you Are someone that is highly organized Able to think one step ahead takes Initiative time management and be able To handle many tasks excited to have a Ton of responsibility and have a big Impact on a patient-facing product Problem Solver figure it out attitude Strong communication and customer Service skills are a must note we are

Looking for someone who is willing to Pick up the slack wherever is needed and Is a true team player learn Rupa rupa's Health rapidly evolving products Contribute suggestions from our Experience on updating our help desk and Templates to keep Pace with these Changes and it does say must-haves must Be located in the U.S immediate start Able to work full time this is a 40 hour A week work from home position excellent Written oral and interpersonal Communication skills now this one guys You can work from anywhere in the U.S so If you are someone that lives in California New York Illinois Connecticut Ohio sometimes Washington D.C and you Are looking for a legitimate work from Home job that is full-time then you Should give this company a try if you Know someone that live in one of these Hard to find states make sure you guys Share the video now I do see here that We are looking for a long-term fit and To have you grow with the company which Is is great ability to work in a dynamic Environment without skipping a beat you Must be punctual and reliable reliable Internet connection and a personal work Setting that allows for distraction-free Environment Discretion and handling potentially Sensitive information about the patient Or patient's accounts preferred but not

Required interest in the root cause Medicine industry experience working With intercom help Scout or other Support crms experience working with Asana G suite and slack experience in a Similar role perks and benefits now the Starting salary for this one guys it is Around forty thousand dollars annually And they do have unlimited PTO health Benefits dental and vision so this Sounds like a great company to work for Again the company is Rupa health and They are looking to feel full-time for Their customer support agent position And the position pays around forty Thousand dollars per year so this one is Posted on the two chicks blog there will Be a link right below the video in the Description box so you guys can check Out this company make sure you guys do Your own research and make sure you Share this video guys because again we Do real giveaways on this YouTube Channel we have already given away 12 Laptop computers they were free to the People that won those laptops and we're Gonna turn around and give away 10 more Laptops so who doesn't want or need a Laptop make sure you guys share like Crazy we are trying to get to 100 000 subscribers before the end of the Year help us get there guys and we are So close we are close to like 83 000 on This channel so help us guys get to 100

000 and then we will give away those Laptop computers again they are Absolutely free and anybody can win These laptops just make sure you share Be sure to come back because a lot of You guys share but you forget to come Back and leave us those comments hop Over to Facebook join us the name of our Group it is kiss that cubicle goodbye And make sure you guys follow us on our Facebook business page now the Facebook Business page it is also two chicks with The side hustle on that page guys we are Going to give away two additional laptop Computers and probably some other things Work from home related and all you guys Have to do is go over there to that page Follow us and start sharing our content We already have some of our subscribers Over there sharing us like crazy so it Is not too late for you guys to join in And start sharing us as well and I think It's easier for you guys to hop over to Facebook and share because you can just Tag your friends your family members or Whoever you want to tag on the post this Is a form of sharing or you can just Click that share button underneath the Video both and you can share that way or You can share to some Facebook groups Totally up to you how you want to share The content and don't forget guys that We are also doing another giveaway over On our Instagram platform so be sure

Once you leave Facebook to follow us on Instagram Tick Tock and Twitter two Chicks with the side hustle on Instagram We are doing a pop-up giveaway so this Means that we are just going to pop up Over on our Instagram platform and give Away something between now and the end Of December so it's a pop-up it's a Surprise so I can't tell you guys what Day we will be popping up over there and You never know what we're gonna give Away we might give away a hundred dollar Gift card from Amazon or from Walmart or We might give away a hundred dollar cash App it could be a laptop computer or it Could be a desktop you never know what We're going to pull out of our hats and Give away to you guys so just just make Sure you are over there you are sharing The content create some stories put us In your stories Let's help get the word Out there to the masses my name is Carl And I will catch you wonderful amazing Fantastic people in the next video bye Bye YouTube [Music]

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