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Foreign [Music] Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great back with another job for you guys And this one right here is coming from The company resident home okay so this Is a pretty good paying job right here You know I'm gonna get straight into the Details today we're going to be talking About their training specialist customer Success job let's go ahead and get Straight into it as a training Specialist with resident you will be Delivering training programs for new Hires and existing employees for their Customer success team you're going to Run the new higher nesting or Integration process as well as continued Learning sessions you will be working With subject matter experts and they're A customer experience team and you're Going to be collaborating to design Engaging coursework you will need to be Comfortable communicating a large volume Of information over zoom in Google with Strong communication skills and have a Proven track record of delivering Outcomes and be structured and logical Okay so with this job right here you do Need to have two plus years of training Training facilitation teaching or Development experience two plus years of Customer service experience also strong

Project management and organizational Skills and be able to synthesize and Communicate complex information in a Clear and effective manner you need to Have excellent written and spoken English and be comfortable working from Home and being a self-starter previous Experience using an LMS such as lessonly Brain shark bridge and work ramp also Experience in Proficiency in programs Such as customer chat tools zendesk Google suite and slack so you will get Benefits with this job they have some Pretty good benefits along with your Health vision and dental they're also Going to provide you with the work from Home office and a cell phone and Internet stipend and you will get a free Mattress as well and the pay for this Job is between 63k and 72k a year not Bad at all so of course that's going to Depend on your location and your skills And the application for this job isn't Long at all either okay so of course if You're interested in applying for this Job you can find the link in the Description bar if you guys have any Questions or any comments you can leave Those below and as usual I thank you Guys so much for watching I'll see you In my next video and good luck to Everyone who applies for the job

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