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Happy Monday two chicks fam it's me Carl I am back with a high paying work from Home job but before I jump in I hope you Guys had a fantastic weekend now Yesterday guys we did a live stream we Talked about some non-phone Transcription companies make sure you Guys go back and check out their video Don't forget to let us know in the Comments what type of work from home job Side gig or hustle you guys are looking For and if you're looking for the Non-phone work from home jobs make sure You hop over and check them out on the blog make sure You smash that red subscribe button turn On that Bell notification thumbs up These videos and make sure you share on This channel guys we do real giveaways And we are giving away 10 more brand new Laptop computers absolutely free we Already have the laptops right now make Sure you go spread the word tell a Friend come back leave us a comment hop Over to the two chicks blog look under The spotlight job section make sure you Guys apply for tellers and for Omni and Don't forget to sign up for Branded Surveys the link is down below in the Comments let's get into this video the Company is called benetech and I hope I'm saying that right but they are Looking to feel their customer support Specialist position as you guys can see

This is a 100 percent remote work from Home job now it says the salary range This is on the high end 28 to 33 dollars an hour now let's jump To the opportunity so this is the Opportunity Bookshare seeks a customer Support specialist to add strength to The customer support team in this Position you will make a difference in The lives of people who are supported by Bench text non-profit mission of using Technology for social good to provide Accessible content to people with print Disabilities now as a technical member Of the customer support team you will Serve as the first line support to our Bookshare customers this includes the Members the Educators and partnering Libraries you will work with work and Collaborate across the organization to Resolve technical issues and continually Strive to improve the Bookshare member And educator experience now the key Responsibilities provide service and Support to internal and external Customers via the phone and email Managing documenting member interactions Using Salesforce as a part of the team You will support over 900 000 Global Bookshare members with Varying technical skill levels with a Broad range of Technical and membership Support requests assist the Educators With account management and Technical

Support requests as they help students Access and use the Bookshare analyze Existing accounts check for errors Anomalies and otherwise monitor the over Overall data Integrity of membership Databases you will support members with Desktop web and mobile applications that Are used to access the Bookshare content You will guide the members and Educators In the use of assistive technology Hardware and software to access Bookshare's service offerings where Collaboratively to share insights with Internal Outreach and training teams Product managers engineers and other Departments across bintech now let's Scroll on down qualifications guys have A spirit for learning adaptable able to Work independently and you will be Collaborating with the team and across Departments communicating complex and Also Tech info verbally and in writing To all levels of the organization and to The customers flexible gracefully Respond to changes and information Updates excellent problem solving and Critical thinking skills you are a Proactive part of the solution and Elevated attention to specific and Complex details that are presented over The phone and in writing demonstrating Competence with office software tools Such as Microsoft Office Salesforce gyro Or select you are familiar with and a

Willingness to learn a Sit assistity of Technology such as the screen readers Jaws nvda voice over refreshable Braille Displays and Standalone notetakers now They do have some preferred I guess Skills on here I see you're familiar With the CRM platforms to track and Manage a high volume of support and Membership request can maintain detailed Record keeping and high standards of Accuracy and data entry able to Prioritize deadlines by urgency and Importance strong interest in Mission-driven organizations and the Communities that we serve including the People with disabilities so this one Guys again the company is bintech and I'm guessing that they are partnered With the Bookshare company as well and They are looking to feel their customer Support specialist position it is Full-time remote fully remote 28 to 33 Dollars an hour now I did not see any State restrictions on the website nor do I see where you need degree for this one So this one comes from the two chicks Blog there will be a link posted right Below this video in the description box So you guys can check out this company Make sure you guys do your own research Make sure you share this awesome video Guys we're trying to get this Information out there because again we Do real giveaways on this channel we're

Giving away 10 more brand new laptop Computers they are absolutely free Anybody can win just take the video go Share the video tell a friend invite Your people over here to this YouTube Channel But be sure to come back guys And leave us a comment down below also Guys don't forget to hop on over to Facebook and join our group the name of Our group it is kiss that cubicle Goodbye and a lot of people have been Hired with various companies in the last 30 days so make sure you guys come over There join the group give us time to let You in because we do get tons and tons Of requests each and every every single Day and some of the companies that we Talk about in the group or that are Posted in the group may or may not be Talked about or posted over here on this YouTube channel because we do post a Plethora of jobs and we have jobs Ranging from like the customer service The non-phone the data entry the Transcription tech support we also have Um ESL or teaching and tutoring type of Jobs posted in the group as well so make Sure you guys hop on over there and Check us out and while you're over on Facebook guys make sure you are Following us on our Facebook business Page now the business page it is two Chicks with the side hustle and make Sure you're following us because we are

Going to give two additional laptop Computers away over on that page and we Are trying to get to 100 000 followers on that platform I believe We are right around maybe 51 000 followers over on that platform as Of today so make sure you guys hop on Over there you can share the content or You can tag your friends or your family Members on the post whatever we have Posted we already have some of our Subscribers over there sharing our Content right now but it is not too late Because you guys can still join in on The fun so make sure again you go over To Facebook join the group KISS that Cubicle goodbye and then follow us on Two chicks with a side Hustle the Business page because we are giving away Two additional brand new laptop Computers they are free to you guys just Go spread the word tag somebody join Some of the work from home groups and Then you can share the content that way As well as well as you can share it of Course to your personal or your business Pages now don't forget to follow us guys On Tick Tock Twitter and on Instagram Two chicks with the side hustle because We are doing another giveaway on Instagram we've done a giveaway on Instagram before we're going to do a Pop-up give way so this means that we Would just pop up and give something

Away have no idea what we're giving away Could be some gift cards Amazon Walmart Could be a cash app 100 Cash Out we've Been known to give away money before or It could be another laptop just never Know what you're gonna get with us but Just make sure you're over there on Instagram following us put us in your Stories share us on a real make up some Content about us I don't care what you Guys do just make sure you share the Information my name is Carol and I will Catch you wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video bye YouTube

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