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TGIF thank God it is Friday happy Friday Two chicks fam it is me Carl and I am Back with another work from home video But before I jump into this awesome Video make sure you guys smash that red Subscribe button turn on that Bell Notification thumbs up these videos and Make sure you share we are trying to Give away 10 more brand new laptop Computers we already have the computers We're just waiting to get to a hundred Thousand subscribers so make sure you Guys go spread the word tell a friend Come back leave us a comment don't Forget to go back check out all the Videos that were posted on the channel Yesterday if you missed the live stream From Wednesday go back and check it out Guys we talked about 30 skip the Interview jobs and side hustles make Sure you hop on over here to the two Chicks blog look under the spotlight job Section apply for Omni and apply for Tell us let us know in the comments what Type of work from home on top or side Hustle you guys are looking for and be Sure to hop on over if you're looking For those non-phone jobs To None blog and don't Forget to sign up for Branded surveys The link is in the comment section let's Get into the video so Target Target is Hiring again for their senior Administrative Assistant Enterprise

Insights position and as you guys can See here it says remote or hybrid but We're not concentrating on the hybrid we Are concentrating on the remote position So let's jump in it says you'll support Support leaders multiple leaders and Demonstrate a keen ability to think Critically in a fast-paced environment Here you're an extension of your leader Complete complementing their work Style With while uploading targets values and Demonstrating the utmost poised Professionalism and Leadership you'll Offer a level of service that goes above And beyond the basics your successful Really manage multiple priorities and Processes while staying up to date on an Event ever I'm sorry on an ever-changing Retail Marketplace bring your ability to Anticipate your leaders needs and Proactively solve problems before they Arise confidential confidentially Flexibility and exceptional time Management will be key to keeping these Running smoothly core responsibilities Of this job are as described within this Job description job duties may change at Any time due to business needs now for This one guys I do see high school Diploma or equivalent experience two Plus years of administrative experience Or similar experience strong verbal and Written communication skills ability to Communicate to a variety of levels both

Internally and externally flexible Resilient Nimble comfortable working in Great areas that are constantly changing Accountable with a high degree of in Initiative ability to balance Fluctuating workloads and tasks Exceptional ability to prioritize Problem solve and make decisions High Attention to detail experience using Microsoft Office now guys this is just Preferred if you have a degree Kudos if You don't you still can apply for this Job even if you don't have a four-year Degree I do see four-year degree is Preferred now I do see the range for This one guys is 22.45 to 40 dollars an hour now it is Based on several factors which could Include education work experience Certification labor markets or just like The areas that you live in that's what They mean by labor markets so anywho Guys this one is posted on the two Chicks blog again Target is hiring for Their senior Administrative Assistant Enterprise insights remote position and It is full-time the pay is 22 to 40 Dollars an hour the information is on The two chicks blog I will be sure to Leave a link posted right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check out Target remember to do your Own research know something about the Company guys because you just may get an

Interview and you want to be prepared And not surprised make sure you share my Awesome video with your friends and Family put it on your social media Platforms share it in some Facebook Groups you also can make reals about What we do on this channel so guys make Sure you leave us a comment be sure to Come back and leave that comment because Otherwise we will not know that you guys Shared the video and make sure guys that You hop on over to Facebook this is a Must do you must hop on over there to Facebook and join us the name of our Group it is kiss that cubicle goodbye we Get asked this question a lot are these Jobs legit are people really getting Hired off of of the things that you guys Post well you guys are more than welcome To come over there join the group KISS That cubicle goodbye and you can see the Success stories for yourself there have Been a lot of people hired with various Companies within the last 30 days and The most popular one that we have been Seeing is the company United Health Group so if you guys are interested in United Health Group Google them get the Link they have a plethora of remote job Opportunities available right now Because first of all it's the healthcare Enrollment is that time of the year for A lot of people to be enrolling in Health care so that job is like popping

Up all over the place so make sure you Guys check that out be sure to come over There though and join us and while You're over there on Facebook make sure You guys are following us on our Facebook business page and the name of Our Facebook business page it is two Chicks with a side hustle and I'm pretty Sure you you guys want to know why would I be following this page well once we Reach a hundred thousand followers we Are going to do two more giveaways so We're giving away two more laptops over On that business page guys and you know Us we're so generous we may even throw In a keyboard a mouse pad a ring light Something that you guys can use maybe Some two chicks mugs or something like That so be sure guys to come on over There and join us two chicks with the Side hustling you guys can tag your Friends your family members and that is A form of sharing or you can click on The share button right below the post And share it on your personal Facebook Page or if you have a business page or If you are in some Facebook groups you Can share it in some of these Facebook Groups and some of the admin they don't Mind we're just trying to get the word Out there that's all we're trying to do Is just spread the word about legit work From home jobs come I'm still seeing These scams on Facebook so make sure

Guys that you hop on over to Facebook Again join the group KISS that cubicle Goodbye and then you want to follow us On two chicks with a side Hustle the Facebook business page I believe we are Somewhere around 51 000 followers and We're trying to get to a hundred Thousand So make sure you guys do that and then Follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and Instagram two chicks with a side hustle Because on Instagram guys we are going To do a pop-up giveaway so you guys have Multiple multiple chances of winning Something from us some people here have Won twice from us because they do share A lot and that's all you guys have to do Is just share so hop on over to Instagram make sure you click that Follow button start following us over There you can put us on your Instagram Stories or you can create reels about What we do for people on our Instagram Or you can tag people in the post that We have posted over on the Instagram as Well so make sure you guys follow us Over there so the pop-up is going to be Between now the pop-up giveaway will be Between now and the end of December I Have no idea what day it will be but we Are going to pop up and give away Something it could be a keyboard a mouse Pad a mug it could be a ring that it Could be a hundred dollar Walmart or

Amazon gift card it could be a hundred Dollar cash app or a laptop you just Never know with us my name is Carl I'll Catch you guys in the next video bye Bye YouTube

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