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What's up two chicks fam happy hump day It's me Carl and I am back with a skip The interview side hustle make sure you Guys smash that red subscribe button Turn on that Bell notification thumbs up These videos and make sure you share Today is live stream Wednesday so let us Know in the comments tan and I we came Up with no degree jobs or skip the Interview jobs put your comments down Below what do you guys think we should Talk about on this live stream today Make sure you guys share the video Because we have the 10 laptops and we Are ready to give them away so we're Giving away some laptops on this YouTube Channel guys and we've done this plenty Of times so make sure you guys share go Spread the word tell a friend invite Your people to the live stream but most Importantly make sure you leave us a Comment down below don't forget to go Back check out all the videos that were Posted on the channel yesterday and Today make sure you guys hop over here To the two chicks blog look on under the Spotlight job section apply for Omni and Also tell us and don't forget to get Branded surveys in your basket we got Some people here making 15 to 50 dollars In a day the link is in the comments Let's get into it so we've talked about This company before Focus So focus groups are available in your

Area offering paid studies and Interviews see if you qualify to get Paid for your opinions on everyday Products now this is just another ad Guys to add to your basket the last time We talked about this company was a few Months ago and some people did get some Paid focus groups so make sure you guys Sign up to this company today it says These focus groups will be scheduled Either over the phone or via webcam Usually the time will be given by the Phone by the person that contacts you so You will be required to fill out a Screener for the focus groups the Screeners contain a variety of questions Depending on the topic of the focus Group you will receive email Notifications once you sign up on check it out be sure to Go over to Google type in Check out their reviews guys see what Other people are saying about this Company now if you were or one of the People that signed up and you did get a Paid focus group let us know this in the Comments this one is posted on the two Chicks blog there will be a link right Below the video in the description box So you guys can check out this company Like I said make sure you do some Research share the video leave us a Comment hop on over to Facebook join our Group KISS that cubicle goodbye make

Sure you guys follow us on our Facebook Business page it is two chicks with the Side hustle we're doing a laptop Giveaway on that page also so we're Giving away two laptops once we reach a Hundred thousand followers so go over There follow the page tag your friends Your family members on that page and Then follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and Instagram two chicks with the side Hustle on Instagram we're doing a pop-up Giveaway so make sure you share us in Your stories put us in your stories guys Let your friends and your family members Know what we are all about and then guys We're gonna pop over there and give Something away I don't know what it's Gonna be could be a laptop could be a Hundred dollar Cash Out could be a Hundred dollar amazon gift card but Whatever it is guys we do really Appreciate each and every single one of You thank you thank you thank you so Much for sharing our content my name is Carl I'll catch you guys in the next Video bye [Music]

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