Mon-Fri! DISPATCHER/SCHEDULER Full Time Work From Home Job!

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this one is Going to be from the company Spencer Technologies and they're currently Looking for a service scheduler this is Going to be an entry-level job you're Going to make between 17 and 18 an hour And with this job right here you're Going to be assisting and answering Phones communicating with technicians Checking in checking out use of database In general follow-up with clients and Technicians you're going to be Responsible for scheduling work orders Documentation and maintaining pricing You're going to locate and assign Resources for scheduling requests Utilizing various tools within their Database you will issue and reconcile Work orders and ensure all documentation Has been received you will maintain Pricing for work orders within the Guidelines set by Spencer Technologies And you will assist with the maintenance Of the existing subcontractor Network You do need to be proficient with basic Computer skills skills such as Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel and Outlook and Have strong communication skills the Ability to work independently and the Ability to multitask and they'd like for You to have a minimum of three years of

Customer service experience in a Fast-paced environment call center and Or dispatcher experience is preferred Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Business applications and a good Understanding of Technology Concepts and Design and retailer multi-store Environment experience is preferred but Not required and excellent customer Service skills and you will be primarily Working Monday through Friday from 9 30 A.m to 6 PM Eastern Standard Time some Weekend flexibility is needed for Potential coverage okay so of course if You guys are interested in applying for This job check out that link in the Description bar make sure to leave any Questions or comments below and as usual I appreciate you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video And good luck to everyone who applies For the job

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