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Hey hey hey this is Tangy from two Chicks with the side hustle coming at You with another work from home position But before we get started do me a favor Hit that red subscribe button also hit That Bell notification button so you can Be notified whenever we post a new video Or do a live stream And remember on this channel sharing is Caring so do me a favor take one of our YouTube videos and share with your Friends family anyone who is looking to Work from home come back under the video Type I shared and you will be entered Into a drawing to win one of 10 laptop Computers when we reach 100 000 subscribers thank you for those of You who have shared thus far well today Guys our position comes from our two Chicks with the side blog and It is for of envira Health And they are looking for patient access Coordinators this is a entry-level Position so if you are looking to break Into the health care field and you have Been looking for that entry level Position apply for this one They're looking for a highly Dependable Candidates there is State specific so Make sure you check out those states to See if your state is one of them Um they get 14 pay days off that is for Personal days and 10 PTO days to start Off so that is really good so what

You'll be doing is answering a high Volume of phone calls you can be from Scheduling appointments to uh setting up Client specific protocol with patients You'll gather an input patient Demographic information insurance Information And anything else Health Care wise Um they said it'll be a high volume of Cost so if you are looking Um for a uh entry level position usually It does require a high volume call but Hey take this experience and move up This is the entry level position again It is 16 an hour and they have a monthly Bonus program which is up to 400 a month So make sure you check it out uh this is An entry level so make sure you go over There and check it out have a great day Bye-bye

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