No TALKING! No PHONE, & PART TIME! NEW Work From Home Job, Hiring Now

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[Music] Hi everybody welcome back I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and back with another job for you Guys and I'm coming to you guys with a Part-time job and it's no phone you Won't be talking to anybody or anything Like that I try to find these jobs as Much as I can but I don't see them as Much as I'd like to but when I see them You guys already know I'm gonna come Straight to you with them okay and this One right here is coming from the Company price labs and they're looking For a social media manager to work Part-time I did look for the pay for This job I wasn't able to find it if I Find it on another source I will Definitely list that for you guys but Let's go ahead and get into the details So price Labs is a market leading Revenue management tool for the vacation And short-term rental industry and they Are an SMB mid-market focused product With mostly self-serve and some sales Assistant motion okay so with this job Right here you'll be working four hours A day five days a week and you're gonna To create and schedule daily social Media posts visuals plus copy across LinkedIn LinkedIn group Twitter Facebook Page and group you're going to also be Responsible for vendor slack management You'll be responding to non-pr comments

And create and post daily engagement Threads Tick Tock and Instagram Outreach Short video content editing and Publishing you're going to also publish Their LinkedIn newsletter analytics Reporting RSU online events conference And Industry roundups and create landing Pages and promo assets and you're going To also set up email Automation and Create and send promo emails so they Want you to have two years working on Social media execution have a great Sense of what an audience wants to see Or read also the ability to create Messages that resonate with the audience And match the tone of the brand also Have the capacity to find the most Relevant points in an article and create An appealing summary you do need to have Decent video editing skills for instance To add an intro and outro or to extract The best of a long video and turn it Into an Instagram reel or Tick Tock Video the application doesn't look to be Too long at all and of course if you Guys are interested in applying check Out that link in the description bar you Already know if you have any questions Or comments leave those below and as Usual I thank you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video Good luck to everyone who applies for The job

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