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Hey everyone it's Suzanne back with your Second work from home job lead it's a Healthcare data entry specialist you're Going to be entering data from the Comfort of your home for the company Monarch Specialty Group they're going to Pay between 17 and 22 dollars an hour Depending on your experience now you do Need work authorization that's typical For most jobs in the U.S they are Looking for a data entry specialist to Help watch and process faxes into their Database the ideal candidate will be Computer savvy that means you are Comfortable on computers NFS typist with A keen eye for detail understand HIPAA Compliance and intake processes is Compulsory so if you have that Experience make sure you have that on Your resume responsibilities you're Going to be transferring information From fax formats into proprietary Software proprietary means that that a Specific software that that company owns Type in patient data into systems Without mistakes inefficiently update Existing data from faxes or other Documents retrieve data from the Database or electronic files as Requested so you are not going to have To talk on the phone to customers in This job it is a hundred percent data Entry now the skills they'd like you to Have is attention to detail experience

As a data entry clerk however it doesn't Say how much fast typing skills Knowledge of word processing tools and Spreadsheets working knowledge of office Equipment and computer hardware good Command of the English language and a High school degree or equivalent so they Said also here you they offer you a Flexible schedule however not sure how Flexible that is you'll have to check With them when you apply so if you're Interested in this position I'm going to Put the instructions down in the Description for you for how to apply and I will see you guys all tomorrow have a Lovely evening

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