No Talking Work From Home Job | $20 – $30 An Hour | Very Part Time Work At Home Job Hiring Now

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Hey hey two chicks fam happy Saturday It's me Carl and I am back with a very Part-time non-phone 20 to 30 dollars an Hour work from home job but before I Jump in make sure you guys subscribe Like and share on this channel guys not Only do we talk about legit work from Home jobs we also give away laptops and If you want one take my video post it on Facebook today share it with a friend But don't forget to come back and leave Us a comment down below now I dropped a Lot of videos on the channel yesterday Make sure you guys go back and check out Those videos don't forget to hop over to The two chicks with the side Blog on the home page look for Telus International the Raider opportunity is Now open and they are on a hiring spree This is a non-phone note interview 14 an Hour part-time job make sure you guys Check it out and apply don't forget to Let us know in the comments what type of Job you're looking for and please be Sure to sign up for Branded surveys the Link is in the comments section let's Jump in so the company is Selah and they Are looking for a paid media specialist As you guys can see the compensation Range is 20 to 30 dollars an hour so it Says here that Sela is looking for a Freelance paid media specialist to join Our clients one of the world's largest Pharmaceutical companies for a remote

Opportunity it says that the paid media Specialist will be responsible for Working with Communications Partners to Gain a thorough understanding of each Campaign and the channels used to push Each campaign now this road will execute Monitor and report on each campaign Based on identified and established Metrics this person must be Collaborative partner that can take Direction and run with the necessary Takes to deliver the expected result Bills and they do have some other Responsibilities listed here I do see That this is a freelance position guys 20 hours per month with some fluctuation Eastern or Central Standard Time working Hours preferred however guys if you live In mountain or Pacific time you can Apply for this one as well and 20 hours Per month that is very part time now the Qualifications they say entry level Minimum of two years of experience Bachelor's degree this is required but It did not say in what so if you have a Bachelor's degree in marketing or if you Have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration you guys can apply skills Marketing leaked in ads two years of Experience is required Facebook ads Manager they are asking for two years of Experience Twitter ads manager campaign Management paid media three years Adobe And analytics one year so this one is on

The non-phone blog there will be a link Right below the video in the description Box so you guys can check out Selah Again Sela is the company and they are Looking to feel this paid media Specialist work from home position that Is very part-time 20 to 30 dollars an Hour make sure you guys go over to Google type in the company's name do Some research do your own due diligence Make sure you jot down any important Information just in case you guys get an Interview you want to be prepared and Not surprised make sure that you share This video somebody out there guys is Looking for a legit work from home job And you just might be the person to help Them out also guys don't forget to hop On over to Facebook make sure you join The name of our group it is kiss that Cubicle goodbye make sure you guys Follow us on our other social media Platforms we are doing giveaways this Entire year so make sure you are Following liking and sharing we also Have a Facebook business page it is two Chicks with the side hustle we are Giving away guys two additional laptop Computers absolutely free brand new Computers make sure you guys come over There and check them out and don't Forget guys about Don't forget about Instagram we are so Close to getting to 10 000 followers on

Our Instagram platform and I am super Excited about that because there will be Another giveaway on Instagram so make Sure you guys come over there share Share share tell a friend tag a friend But don't forget to come back though and Leave us a comment somewhere my name is Carol and I will catch you wonderful Lovely amazing people on the next video Bye YouTube

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