NON-PHONE Data Entry Coordinator Work From Home Job 2023 With No Degree Needed | USA Only

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you this one is going To be non-phone data entry the company Is Frasco they have a 3.4 out of 5 star Rating on Glassdoor as always the links To their Glassdoor page and the Application page are always in the YouTube description box below this video But they are hiring an administrative Data entry assignment coordinator now This is full-time remote they are hiring With in the United States but you need To be able to work 8 A.M to 5 PM Pacific Time so if you're outside of that time Zone you'll have to convert your time to That time zone to see if that works for You but Frasco is a full service Investigation Corporation they serve Different Industries like Insurance Legal employment and entertainment Communities they provide different Services like surveillance interviews Activity and background checks and other Investigative Endeavors again it does State it's a fully remote position but The applicant must be able to work the Specific hours they need but they are Basically looking for someone to assess Referrals input data assign the Appropriate service to the management in The system make sure it's accurate and Do this efficiently in a timely manner You also work internally with your other

Team members managers and sales staff to Dissect the referrals and understand the Client needs you'll have to ensure Confidentiality and security and Sensitive activity when handling these Data and reports and of course they're Going to require you to meet Productivity and error rate criteria so You are going to be held to a certain Standard after your probation period now They are not requiring any kind of College degree for this position at just A high school diploma or GED they say if You have a background in insurance or Workers compensation or some kind of a Medical billing field that is beneficial But not required they need someone who Has great attention to detail great Organizational skills someone who can be A critical thinker and a problem solver Someone who has excellent reading a Comprehension and the ability to use Microsoft Office Suite that's word excel PowerPoint Outlook all of those things Now unfortunately they did not list pay For this position that will have to be Asked at the time of the interview I did A little bit of research on Glassdoor And could not find anything for this Specific job title they do state that They do provide competitive hourly rate But they don't say what it is they do Provide a standard benefit package that Includes a medical dental vision 401k

And paid time all alright as always if This job lead was not for you that is Absolutely okay feel free to leave in The comments anything specific that You're looking for because I do read Those and keep that in mind when I'm out There searching for job leads to share Thank you so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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