Non-Phone Work From Home Job As A Community Moderation Specialist With No Degree Required! WFH 2023

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead this one is from the Company figma they are hiring remote Work from home within in the United States only they are looking for a Community moderation specialist this is Non-phone but real quickly if you are Interested in applying to this the link To this page that I share is always in The YouTube description box below but They are looking for someone to be the Voice of figma as you help moderate Files the plugins widgets and creating a Safe and engaging online platform for Their community of creators that create These different files widgets plugins so You'll support the growing online Community with all of those things You'll create an excellent Community Support experience maintaining healthy Online Communication in a timely Engagement with their customers you'll Analyze and Carry Out existing policies And Community guidelines to make sure That consistency with figma's values is Being followed you'll also work closely With different teams within Sigma Including legal marketing on complex Issues and provide quality resolutions You'll act as the point person for all Things Community content related such as Publishing flows review guidelines and Standards you'll review the community

Content that has been triggered by their Internal system are flagged by users That does not adhere to the content Guidelines and the established Community Policies if that sounds like something You're interested in and they are not Requiring any kind of college degree They're looking for someone who has two Years experience working in Risk fraud Trust and safety or some kind of content Moderation environment preferably with a Software as a service product Environment someone who has experienced Reviewing and handling a sensitive Content someone who is a great verbal And written communication skills great Adjustment skills and can carry out a Policy decisions of course you have to Have great attention to detail and good Organizational skills now unfortunately They did not list the pay for this Position I did look on their glass door Page they do have a Glassdoor page but There was no Community moderation job Title listed for me to research pay that Will have to be asked at the time of the Interview as always please feel free to Leave in the comments anything specific That you're looking for If this job lead Was not for you I am always reading Those and keeping that in mind thank you So so much for watching and supporting Me and I'll be back really really soon With more work from home job leads just

For you

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