Overstock Hiring $17 To $21 Hour Remote Work From Home Job 2023 | No Degree Needed | Benefits | USA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another work from home job lead for You today's job lead is from the huge Online retailer Overstock they are Hiring a customer service supervisor now These four states that are listed right Here don't let that fool you they are Hiring remote and they are expanding the States they're hiring in currently they Can hire in the following states California Connecticut Idaho Kansas Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Texas Utah Washington or Wisconsin and Wyoming one thing to note They do say this role will have Occasional on-site expectations but Since they're hiring across a wide range Of States I don't know what location They would be expecting you to go to I Don't know how often occasional is is it Once a year and will they pay your Travel expenses those might be some Questions to ask in the interview if You're interested in this position but They are basically looking for somebody To lead their customer service which I Assume is also remote team you'll Actively lead and train members of the Customer service team and to achieve Maximum results you'll perform Administrative duties you'll document

And evaluate your team's progress and Development you'll work alongside other Managers and departments to improve Processes for better customer service Experience you'll be the constant Presence on the customer service of Production floor or you know phone calls Actively interacting with Associates to Make sure that they're engaged in Productive work basically you'll oversee Your team to make sure they're actually On the phones and working you'll be the Example set the example and resolve any Customer escalations if your customer Care team cannot handle the customer They may have to escalate a phone call Up to you but you are not actually on The phone taking phone calls in Bound But you will have to do some phone work Now this doesn't require very much Experience for a supervisor position They're only looking for one year of Customer service experience and a call Center and one year of some kind of Supervisory experience have you been a Team lead or something before excellent Written in oral communication skills a Great organizational skills with the Ability to multitask and of course you Have to know those Microsoft Office Programs including Excel word PowerPoint All the things they don't require any Kind of college degree just a high School diploma or GED pay for those

Positions anywhere from 17.31 cents an hour all the way up to 21.15 cents an hour and they do offer a Benefit package that includes 401K all Right if you've made it to the end of This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me as Always feel free to leave in the Comments anything specific that you're Looking for for I do read the comments And then when I'm searching for job Leads to share if I come across Something I know someone is looking for I will share that but I'll be back Really really soon with more work from Home job leads just for you

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