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Hey hey hey this is Tangy from two Chicks with the side hustle coming at You with another work from home position But before we get started do me a favor Hit that red subscribe button also hit That Bell notification button so you can Be notified whenever we post a new video Or do a live stream and remember on this Channel sharing is caring so do me a Favor if you know anyone who is looking To work from home Share our videos with them it could be Your friends family anyone who is Looking come back under the video type I Shared and you will be entered into a Drawing to win one of 10 laptop Computers when we reach 100 000 subscribers and thank you for those Of you who have shared thus far well Guys today our position comes from our Two chicks with the side blog And it is for a customer service support Customer support representative and this Is a part-time with a company called Veterans advantage and what they are Looking for is someone to take inbound Out by and make outbound phone calls Live chat support tickets voice message Response and email requirements Um to facil to help facilitate Interactions with their customers you Will be using using their customer Products and you will not only represent The veterans Advantage brand but you

Also have the opportunity to drive sales And reduce attrition they need someone Who can work 25 hours a week it must be Flexible their business hours are Nine And Nine Eastern Standard Time and the Shifts will vary Um They're looking for someone who has a Strong compassion for understanding of Others and what it takes to put that in Practice Um you'll be on a 90-day probationary Period and you'll have a two-week Onboarding process they want somebody With customer service experience Customer or another CRM is available Live chat inbound in-app Barrel I'm able To troubleshoot difficult customer Challenges have longevity customer Service experience click the apply here Button to apply This does Um this does look a great visit Part-time position for someone who is Interested and it looks like it does not Require that much experience and they Will reimburse for a headset So thank you so much have a great day Bye

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