Real Data Entry Work From Home Job | Remote Job | Equipment Provided | No Degree | Work At Home Jobs

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Happy Tuesday two chicks fam it is me Carl I am back with another non-phone Work from home job and this is a data Entry position but before I jump into The video make sure you guys subscribe Like and share on this channel we do Real giveaways and we are giving away 10 More brand new laptops absolutely free Anybody can win just take the video go Share it in a Facebook group or on your Facebook page make sure you come back Though and leave us a comment don't Forget guys to hop on over to the two Chicks with the side blog Look under the spotlight job section Omni interactions is hiring like crazy If you are a beginner make sure you Check out this company and apply and Share don't forget to check out the Videos that were posted on the channel Earlier today make sure you guys look Down below in the comment section and Sign up to branded surveys the link is Down below again in the comments section And also let us know in the comments is What type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for and we Do have a non-foam Blog so come over Here guys if you are looking for more Data entry chat email texting type of Jobs non let's jump In the company is exam work so they're Looking to feel guys the data entry Associate work from home position it

Says that the overview preference will Be given to those who have experience With medical bills icds and CPT so if You are someone that has worked in the Medical field and you know how to do These particular things that they're Asking for apply for this job it says That we are seeking a medical billing Savvy professional who is Keen to pick Up on important details and looking to Thrive in a fast-paced growing Environment this position is 100 remote The candidate must be able to work 8 A.M To 5 p.m Pacific Standard Time Monday Through Friday so no weekends the comp Company will provide equipment it says Office equipment will be provided I do See here office phone screen keyboard And mouse and a virtual desktop Responsibilities you will gather Organize and prepare Source documents For data entry into the appropriate System database you will review data for Discrepancies missing pages or info and Resolve discrepancies by using standard Procedures or returning incomplete Documents to the team leader for Resolution you will enter both Alphabetic and numeric data from Source Documents into the proper system Database you will review data entered Against the original Source documents For accuracy and corrects any data entry Errors or duplications you will follow

The data program security practices and Procedures at all times routinely secure Info by completed database backup daily Performs other very varies duties Clerical duties such as sorting filing Emailing and proofreading as required Maintain confidentiality of our personal And financial info now for this one guys You must have a high school diploma or Equivalent a minimum of six months Related experience or equivalent Combination of training and experience Experience in a medical office is Preferred and they do have a list of Qualifications I'll read some of them Must possess complete knowledge of General computer facts copier scanner And telephone must be knowledgeable of Multiple software programs including but Not limited to Microsoft Word Outlook Excel and the internet must have a full Understanding of the HIPAA regulations And compliance must be qualified a Qualified typist with a minimum of 40 Words per minute now there is a free Website if you don't type 40 words per Minute you can practice practice Practice at it is Absolutely free you can jump on whenever You like and practice practice makes Perfect ability to follow instructions And respond to management directions Accurately demonstrates accuracy and Thoroughness looks for ways to improve

And promote quality and monitors own Work to ensure quality is met so this One is posted on the non-phone blog There will be a link posted right below The video in the description box so you Guys can apply to this company again the Company is exam works this is a Full-time work from home position it is 100 remote and They are looking to feel their data Entry associate position and they will Provide you guys with the equipment and You must have some experience to apply For this one make sure you share the Video make sure you come back though Leave us a comment because on this Channel guys sharing is caring hop on Over to Facebook join the group KISS That cubicle goodbye we are trying to Get to 250 000 members in the group so We can do another giveaway also make Sure you follow us over on our Facebook Business page it is two chicks with the Side hustle because guys we are giving Away two additional laptops so if you Don't win a laptop over here on the YouTube you still have a chance to win On the Facebook business page again Follow us two chicks with the side Hustle make sure you tag a friend and Share the post over on their platform And also follow us on Instagram we're Trying to get to 10 000 followers on Instagram because guys we are doing

Another giveaway so we did a pop-up Giveaway a week or so ago we gave away Two hundred dollars in gift cards so We're going to do another one once we Reach 10 000 followers so if you don't win over Here if you don't win in the Facebook Group or over on the Facebook business Page you still got one more thing to try Which is Instagram so come over there Follow us create a story create a real Put us in those reels and those stories Share share share tag your friends and Your family members on the post my name Is Carl I'll catch you wonderful lovely People in the next video bye YouTube [Music]

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