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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and you Already know why I'm here I'm back Bringing you guys another work from home Job and this one right here I saw it on Glassdoor this morning and I'm like let Me go ahead and do this video real fast And post this job for you and this job Is with the company Woodbury Corporation They're currently looking for a data Entry clerk to work full time in the U.S And this shop has some excellent pay the Pay is going to be between 30 and 38 Dollars per hour okay this company is Based in Utah I did not see anything in The description stating that you had to Be in Utah to work this job so Definitely apply if you're interested so To get into the details you will be Inputting large amounts of data into Their database accurately and Efficiently you're going to be verifying Accuracy of data entered and keeping Track of information entered and Updating it as necessary you will be Assisting with various administrative Tasks as needed and maintaining a high Level of confidentiality with sensitive Information you will need to follow Company policies and procedures related To data entry and you need to have a High school diploma or GED excellent Typing skills be able to work well under

Pressure strong attention to detail Proficient in Microsoft Office strong Organizational skills and be able to Work independently okay so again the pay Is going to be between 30 and 38 dollars An hour I also looked at this company's Benefits they have some great benefits Including your medical dental all of That but they also have day one PTO Which is amazing and so here's the Application for this job right here you Already know if you're interested you Can find the link in the description bar You guys know if you have any questions Or any comments you can leave those Below and as usual I thank you guys so Much for watching I'll see you in my Next video good luck to everybody who Applies for the job

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