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Happy Monday YouTube family I am back With another work from home's job where Actually you can start working today Before I give you that information I Want to make for sure that you are aware And still aware that my channel is all About none for work at home job needs to Go out every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard time so if you are looking for A work from home job where you're not Talking to customers on the phone you Have landed on the right channel as well As making sure that you're watching the Videos all the way through because there Are valuable information in my videos to Help you get closer to Landing a remote Job so let's go ahead and dive right Into the job now we're talking about the Coming as you can see PMD their currency Can contract medical billing and Collection specialist so you'll be a 1099 job okay and when you scroll down a Little bit further here it tells you the Pay the pay is 30.69 an hour which is About 8 200 per week and the good thing About this job they are looking for Someone to start immediately available To start immediately Um so that's why I said start today Working because soon as you apply for This job and they see your resume and Application if they feel like you're a Good fit they will have you start as Soon as possible okay now when you go up

A little bit further what you'll be Doing is collecting on the lingual Accounts and aggressive work in the Aging receivable for both patient and Insurance balance And then you also appeal outstanding Denials issues by the insurance carrier You're going to proactively communicate Denial Trends identifying to managers For prevention and then when you go down Here it requires a social degree in Business healthcare administration Accounting or related field in a Certified coder okay now speaking about Certified coder if you ever wanted to be A certified or become a certified coder Or if you need a refresher course I said Go check out Deborah H Swisher I have Had her her on my live streams before Where she talks about medical billing She is a medical biller coder certified Professional coder as well as instructor Kabad she has over 30 years experience So if you want to get into the medical Billing course make for sure you go Ahead and check her out that information Will be in the YouTube description bar And it's asking for two years of medical Building experience with the emphasis on Managing accounts received people and Then ability to work at least 25 hours Per week during Eastern Time business Hours for a six month period with the Option to extend now I want to explain

The salary that I got From um 1200 per week that is for full Time okay it is not for uh 25 hours a Week if it's 25 hours a week then it'll Be different per week but again I Already got the 1200 per week I put in 40 hours a week okay so I just want to Get that correction here and then you Must be familiar with CPT ICD-10 and the Latest coding guidelines and EMR resin Experience and you need to reside in the U.S again this is a 1099 job okay so This is a great opportunity for someone Um to give you information about the job Or the company on PMD sub impossible Problems such as Um medical errors saving patients lives And Empower Physicians to stay Financial Independent so when I go into details About the position here it says up here The contract medical billing and Collection specials role at PMD helps Their team and their customers breach Their base business goal through Recognization of outstanding accounts This road primary focus on payment of Accounts receivable just like I just Read here again when you go you're going To be resubmitting charges for Reprocessing providing support Documentation for medical necessity Intake corrective action for Re-submission if this sounds like Something that you're able to do then

May for sure you go ahead and apply Today by clicking here where it says Apply for this job and remember don't Disqualify yourself before you apply for These jobs let the company do it you Have to keep pushing you have to keep Applying you cannot give up there is a Job with your name on it Um as you know um it's Monday and right Before you know it 2023 will be here You want to go into 2023 with a Different mindset that you had in 2022 You want to go in and just start Believing in yourself speaking more life Over yourself because the power of the Tongue determines life and death Um I get it a lot of people Unfortunately doesn't have a lot of People Um to encourage them and Speak Life over Them but I am going to speak life of you That is what I bring to my channel not Only non-phone work and home job leads But I also bring Positive Vibes and try To encourage you because we all need to Be uplifted you just never know what People are going through and just by Hearing somebody saying their story and Telling what they went through is not Only healing to the person that's Telling the story but it is healing is a Breakthrough the people that is actually Going through the same thing that that Person went through so a lot of people

They get so intimidated or scared to Tell people what they've been through You know if you've been fired before let People know that they're not the only Person that got fired if it took you a Year to years to find a job let people Know hey it took me a year two years to Find a job it you know I um you know Whatever situation that you've been Through go and tell somebody because Your testimony could be somebody Breakthrough and you know I'm gonna tell You is to keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there With your name on it you got this but it Starts with you you have to believe if You don't believe in yourself nobody Else will so go out there today and grab What is yours by applying for these jobs There is a job out there with your name On it I don't care if there's a lot of People applying for this same job you Know if you're a favor by God God will allow you to walk through doors That you never thought that you can walk Through and you can get this job okay so Make sure you go ahead and sign up you Know for uh to apply for this job and go Ahead and get started and remember if You need a refresher course or you're Interested in becoming a medical biller From home Um I suggest you to go through Deborah a Swisher she is a certified professional

Coder as well as instructor combined she Has over 30 years experience Um in that field so again make sure you Go ahead and apply by clicking here okay Now again I talk about having multiple Strains of income because that's very Important a lot of people Um you know just I don't know Um you tell people different things Especially people in my family tell them All the time I see them struggling and I Say this is what you need to do and they Want to do something totally different It's okay to be a realtor you know I'm Saying it's okay to do that but I Believe in multiple strains of income And I believe in eight you know because Every job has their downtime where it's Slow and when it's slow you can pick up Something else to do until you start Getting Um the flow of that job start increasing So bookboat is a great platform to be on You can work anywhere in the world you Could be in the United States Um you could be out of the United States You can make anywhere between a thousand To ten thousand eight months creating Low content books and this is a great Business opportunity and for those who Don't know what low content books are These are journals law books Diaries Coloring books coloring pages there's a Lot to know about low content books and

People are making passive income but the Thing is you got to put in the work what Come easy won't last and what lasts Won't come easy now when you scroll down A little bit further the good thing About it is that you can always research The product you can go in and research Whatever you're interested in making a Low content book whether it's a puzzle Book or a coloring book or a notebook Conversation and see what is selling Look at their picture look at their book Cover and look at their design not to Copy but to be expired and see what I Can do different say to yourself what Can I do different to make my low Content book stands out from the crowd And again they're using keywords and you Can look at their keywords Implement Those in your titles and descriptions if You go through the tutorials once you Sign up you can have a dashboard there Is tons of tutorials to help you Understand keywords help you understand A whole lot of things and you can Implement those into your titles and Description again not to copy but to be Expired bookboat has upgraded they have A new studio they have cover craters Interior design lines drag and drop Editors complete customization over a Thousand two hundred plus free fonts More than one million royalties free Image pattern scalable designs filter

And much more And again you're able to make puzzle Books activity books coloring books 100 Of low content Interiors where you can Mix and match Interiors to create unique Books for your audience and yes people Buy these books every single day Um it depends on how you want to promote These books Um some people promote them a course on Amazon kdb Um they have ads on Amazon kdb Um you can promote it on Etsy you can Promote it on send out pay here if you Have a website you can put it on there Um you can go to different places where You can pay somebody to that has a large Follow-in following and you could put Your information on their website so you Can start getting more leads or you can Like go into free social media platforms Where you can promote that but you got To do whatever you can in order to get It out there in front of the crowd okay Now anytime when you're talking about a Business there are pricing and I believe That you got to be a risk taker you Cannot complain about the situation you Don't take action I see a lot of people I'm struggling I'm just why is I'm Struggling why I'm just living paycheck To paycheck I only have a hundred Dollars last me until I get paid Um next month or next two weeks and I'm

Like you're complaining about the Situation but what are you doing about The situation you know Um well I will do this but it's always a But keeping them from reaching their Destination and you cannot I mean you Got to be a risk taker people that are Making it in life and doing really good Is their risk taker use the job that you Have to invest in yourself that is a Part of self-care and I believe it's Very affordable I'm not just talking to Talk I am also doing Book boat okay Because I believe in most restraints of Mcom is the cost of for newbie per month Is 9.99 per month For pro it's 19.99 per month the only Difference is with the pro you're Getting the puzzle creation software Included but if you use my coupon code Which is the rest of sweat all in lower Case you will receive 20 off the 9.99 Per month and again that is Lifetime That is forever or if you um choose the Pro you'll receive 20 off to 19.99 per Month and that's forever that's Lifetime And the great thing about this platform Is you could try it out for three days For free and see if you like it and I Guarantee you're gonna like it okay you Got to get out there and make that money Hustle have multiple strains of income Just in case something go down and again When you look at the interior razor I go

To Resource and interior wizard you Don't even have to make the interior for You it's already done for you okay now When it says members only Um though you have to um Be a member you have to sign up you have To make your monthly payments in order To get more Um interior designs for hair okay but I Mean this is for like free trials if you Was going to try it after you know three Days or a couple days you can try it out And you can check it out with the three Um the ones that are free to or eight or Something that you're able to um try out So again Um you could choose paperback or Hardcover or you can do both always do Paperback eight by five eleven and I Just choose my pages and I'm just gonna Go and I'm just going to just scroll and Just click on saving trackers and then I'm gonna hit download okay now if I was Pleased with this I would download this Interior to my Amazon kdb but again Um I will have more pages different pages If I was doing a saver tracker I would Do more things on here instead of just Having one page just make it worth it Again I don't make my book covers I pay Somebody on Fiverr that does it really Good for me and I make it stand out so I Can go ahead and get a sale but again

This is a easy side hustle opportunity Anybody can do what an elementary can do It a Middle School a high schooler can Do this and make passive mcom so make Sure you share this information with Everyone you know that could benefit From it and again remember my channel is All about non-fun work at home job leads They go out every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time so make sure you Consider subscribing to the channel by Clicking that red button and don't Forget to turn on your notifications by Clicking that Bell so when I upload new Videos that will give you plenty of Opportunities to go ahead and apply for These jobs before they're no longer Available plus if I go YouTube live You'll be able to be notified that I am Going live and we could chat on live Stream if you would like to support the Channel All you need to do is click the join Button or become a member of the YouTube Channel click the join button there is a Short video explaining the benefits of Becoming a member of the YouTube channel Shout out to everyone that's already a Member of the channel I really Appreciate it and don't forget to check Out your community tab that is where I Engage with you every single day when I Upload new videos when I post quotes on Whatever the case may be just trying to

Get you know familiar and get build a Relationship with my audience make sure You check that out and remember keep Pushing keep applying don't give up There is a job out there with your name On it but you gotta believe if you don't Believe in yourself nobody else will so Go out there today and grab what is Yours by applying for these jobs thank You so much for watching and I will see You in the next video

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