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Foreign [Music] Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing well today I'm doing Great and I'm back with another video For you and I'm coming to you guys with A job from the company food guys and They're currently looking for a Part-time compliance and contract Analyst to work remotely now it does say Wilsonville Oregon that is where they're Based but they're not specifying that You have to be in Wilsonville to work This job so definitely go ahead and Check it out and this is going to be a Great paying job so let's go ahead and Get into the details you will be working 10 to 20 hours a week with this job Monday through Friday and so with this Job right here you're going to be Managing high value Supply resolution You're going to be negotiating mutually Agreeable outcomes with vendors Including logistical providers going to Be responsible for the overseeing of Insurance claims and you're going to Also assist with issues related to Governmental compliance including but Not limited to FDA USDA reporting or Fair trade reporting you're going to be Providing support to other department Heads as need needed or appropriate and You're going to be completing new state Employer registrations and providing

Support for miscellaneous other Governmental or regulatory issues so for This job they do want you to have a Minimum of five years experience in a Position reviewing complex legal and or Business documents such as a paralegal Or former executive or a bachelor's Degree in a field related to law Government or business also have the Ability to translate complex legal Terminology into layman's terms for Others to easily understand and have a Unique ability to figure things out even When dealing with documents that are Unlike others that you've worked with in The past okay the application doesn't Look to be too long so of course if You're interested in applying for this Job you can find the link in the Description bar if you guys have any Questions or any comments leave those Below and as usual I thank you guys so Much for watching I'll see you in my Next video and good luck to those who Apply for the job

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