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Happy Wednesday everyone I am back with Another no talking work from home job This company will provide your equipment And this company is high right now so We're going to go ahead and dive right Into the job I am going to share my Screen and we're going to be talking About the company Um exemplus so let me go ahead and share My screen so we can go ahead and see What this job has to um offer here okay So again we're talking about the coming Exemplars they're currently seeking Order entry reps to work from home as You can see on the screen the page is Between 12.91 to 23.33 and it only Requires a high school diploma or GED Two plus years of work experience and Dating entry ability to pass and Assessment measuring type and speed and Accuracy Um in a few minutes I'm going to show You where you can go and practice your Type of skills for free but we're going To go more into details about Um what are you going to be doing here Okay now Um what you're going to be doing is You're going to enter orders from first Q system minimal daily order requirement Must be met responsible for processing And enter all sales or orders Accordingly this includes entering GSA State contract sales orders into

Government checklists when necessary You're going to assist customer support Representative with proofing of Knowledge you're going to be running Necessary or the entry reports as Required you're going to be matching Announcements to sales orders as well as Alert both I.T and managers with all System areas processing Pricing errors engineering errors Etc to Evolve products holds on incoming orders As well as assist in Parts entry Literature fulfillment and other Administrative duties to improve Performance to the customers and clarify Open issues such as pricing and missing Ordering information again this is a Really easy job the great thing about This coming they do off competitive Salary bonus disposition qualify for Bonus it's a great thing you can work Remotely They do offer flexible work schedules Um they do have health insurance 401k And in the computers it's all the I.T Equipment you will need for your home or On-site workspace will be provided for Remote workers 11 bi-weekly step in will Be provided for your internet so this Company will help out with your internet They will do cell phone reimbursement They will provide a company cell phone Or 18 by a weekly step in for eligible Positions only employ discounts tuition

Scholarships partnership with the global For 10 20 off tuition for you and your Family so this is a great opportunity so If this is something that you're Interested in don't procrastinate go Ahead and take action today and go ahead And apply for this job by clicking here Okay now I am going to show you a place Where you can go and practice your Typing skills your dating entry skills For free because in the job wreck it Says that you need to know how to type And and your data entry so I going to Share my screen again and show you a Free place I'm all about free where you Can go and practice your typing skills For free and that is with not only can you Practice your typing test but you can Practice your 10 key tests which is data Entry and you will receive a typing tip So if I go to 10 key tests all I do is Hit start and you got a choice to do Full 10 key tests which is numbers and Symbols or you can do zip code test Numbers and only and as well you can Practice your typing test right here you Can practice your data entry test you Can choose one minute three minute five Minute so if I choose three minutes all I need to do is two to three minutes This timer will start once I start Beginning to type the numbers in here so Make sure you go ahead and practice this

Again this is free 99 there's no charge To you you go ahead and get your type of Where you need to be if this video has Been helpful I want you to hit that red Button that says subscribe and don't Forget to click on to be able to turn on All your notifications so every time When I upload new videos you'll be Notified plus they will give you an Opportunity to go ahead and apply for These jobs before they go really quickly And when I go YouTube live you'll be Notified to be able to participate in The live stream here and I want to leave Some encouragement words with you like I Always do Is to keep pushing keep applying don't Give up there is a job out there being Made for you but it starts with you you Got to believe because if you don't Believe in yourself nobody else will you Have to surround yourself around Positive people jealousy is real Jealousy is contagious a lot of people Don't like to see you being successful a Lot of people love to find a better job They like to be a surrounded around Positive people because sometimes it's Third with the people just like cooking And sewing it's therapy for a lot of People and a lot of people don't like to See you happy they like to see you sad And disappointed they like to see you Beneath them they don't like to see you

Above them so that's why I say you have To surround yourself around people that Have your best interests everybody don't Have your best interest people walk Around here and telling people to pray For them and everybody's not pra whine For you people are p r e y for you there Is a difference so be careful who you Ask to pray for you because everybody's Not praying the right prayer for you They're praying for you that you don't Succeed they put some of them are Spraying p-r-e wine that you don't be Successful in life that you lose your Home and lose your car be homeless some People are against you for no reason at All and you don't have to do nothing to People and they just dislike you I want To build a community where we can uplift One another and encourage one another on Our job search in everyday life because People need that people need Positive Vibes some people are going through a Lot of things out of their spouse their Family members people they know people That don't know and they need to escape You know whether it's to go outside or Be around other people that's uplifting Them for 30 minutes to an hour to take Their mind off of the situation and that Is what I want to build and I want to Say to you you got this life is full of Ups and downs rejection is a part of Life even I get rejected no don't mean

No no me next opportunity when one door Closed it's gonna always be another door That's that will open for you but you Got to believe again please surround Yourself around positive people okay It's so much negativity that's going on In the world we need more positive vibes We need more people that's going to be Uplifting each other and we need more People that's going to support you in Everything that you do you know I get it It's hard out there you know I feel that God put us all on the same track and say On your mark get so get set go and Everybody's not gonna make it to the Finish Line some people gonna make it Some people are going to be crawling to The Finish Line some people going to be Hopping to the Finish Line some people Are going to be crying to the finish Line but they're going to get there but I do believe that he put us on the same Track and say on your Market set go but A lot of people are not going to make it So it's going to be haters there's going To be naysayers there's going to be People that's not going to support you On whatever you do but God will send Somebody a stranger to support you and Take you to the next level okay just Believe that I believe in you but it Starts with you your mind you got to Believe in yourself because if you don't Believe in yourself and you feeding your

Mind negativity guess what you're gonna Pick it up you're not going to go that Far in life you're not going to go from Point A to Z but if you feed your mind Positive and you stay around positive People that have your best interest You're going to move further in life What's worth having in life is not going To be easy you know what come easy won't Last and what last won't come easy so Remember that put in the work apply for These jobs don't apply for one job apply For multiple positions you got this There is a job out there with your name On it but you gotta believe okay I Believe in you go get what is yours so Go out there today and grab what is Yours by applying for these jobs okay You know that I talk about having Multiple strains of income I talk about Book boat I'm going to share my screen This is a easy way to make passive Income people are making anywhere Between a thousand to ten thousand a Month creating low content books but Again you do have to put in the work What come easy won't last and what last Won't come easy you have to remember That so many times as we get so Complacent on the jobs where we do not Want to apply for another job we don't Want to start a business and then when We lose our job we're in panic mode we Don't know what to do and it is tougher

When you launch your job and you're Trying to find a job you need to be Using the job that you have now as a Crutch to invest in a business and be Looking for other jobs because again Companies when they hire people they Just only hire one people they have they Hire multiple people so if they decide To let you go that person can train do Your job until they found your Replacement so make sure you go out here And pick up a business opportunity and That is with Book boat this is a very Easy side hustle that you can do is Creating low content books and for those Who don't know what low content books Are these are journals law books Diaries Coloring books coloring pages and many More and the great thing about bookboat You can always research the product Before you actually make it and see if It's selling plus you can spy on your Competitors and see what kind of Keywords they're using and you can Implement those in your titles and Descriptions again not the copy but to Be expired and bookboat has upgraded They do have a new book Studio where They have cover craters interior designs Drag and drop editors complete Customizations over a thousand plus free Fonts more than one million royalty free Image pattern scalable designs filter And much more

And this is all done in Book boat and Yes people buy these books every single Day you're able to do puzzle books Activity books coloring books 100 of low Content content Interiors where you can Mix and match Interiors to create unique Books for your audience okay now with Bookboat they do have live webinars on Tuesday and Thursday where you can Actually go and meet with the owner and He's always updating you with what's new Whatever courses you have he's walking You through how to be successful on this Platform but the key is you got to be Able to Niche down and choose a low Content books where it's not a lot of People are doing it that is how you make Sales if you're in a if you're creating A Content book where it's a lot of People making it you won't be making a Lot of sales so you got it that he Teaches you how to research the right Niche so you can start making passive Income and also again you know you can Go to Resource and interior wizard here You do not have to make the interior for Yourself is already done you have College rules journals music sheets Career plan you have online shop Shopping tracker you go down a little Bit further birthday reminders recipe Books you get the picture you have so Many Um low content Interiors where you can

Choose mix and match it to your theme Whatever you're trying to do and make Passive income you can choose to do Paperback or hardcover I always do Paperback eight by five eleven I choose 120 once you watch the videos they have Tutorial videos where you can watch if You spend an hour day doing it you will Be successful in this but you got to put In the work and I choose recipe book and I hit download This is my interior right here if I'm Pleased with this this is what I would Download to Amazon kdb you can sell it On Etsy you can see it on sell it on pay Hip sent out you can sell it on Different free social media platforms There's different places where you can Put on a website to promote it there's Many ways that you can get this done Here all you got to do is put in the Work okay that's the thing you have to Do is put in the work what come easy Won't last and what last one come easy And the pricing anytime you're talking About a business opportunity you will Have to invest that is the only way You're going to grow you got to do the Right investment and this is the right Investment is with bookboat there's two Price and you can choose newbie which is 9.99 per month or you can choose Pro Which is 19.99 per month if you use my Coupon code which is the rest of sweat

All in lower case that information is in The YouTube description bar you'll Receive 20 off the 9.99 per month and That is Lifetime that's forever as long As you have Book boat 19.99 per month You'll receive 20 for that again that's Lifetime as long as you are with Bookboat the only difference is with the Pro is you're getting the postal Creation software included but and also The great thing about this is you can Try it out for three days for free and See if you like it I guarantee you're Going to like it again you have to have Multiple strains of income coming on I Believe in not just Um seven I believe in eight multiple Strains to mcom because you just never Know what can happen on the land so make Sure you sign up today once you sign up Today you can go ahead and start Creating low content books and Downloading upload it to Amazon kdb okay So remember That this channel is all about no talk And work from home job leads to go out Every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard time I would love for you to be A part of a family or Community where we Uplift and encourage one another on our Job search and everyday life make sure You hit that red button that says Subscribe and don't forget to click on That Bell to turn on all your

Notifications so every time when I Upload new videos you will be notified Plus they will give you plenty of Opportunities to go ahead and apply for These jobs before they go very quickly Make sure you check out the videos That's listed either at the top or the Bottom there are more no talking work From home job leads to help you increase Your chances of getting your first Second third job even a side hustle I Want you to remember to keep pushing Keep applying don't give up there is a Job out there being made for you you Just gotta believe if you don't believe In yourself nobody else will go out There today and grab what it's yours by Applying for these jobs and remember Don't disqualify yourself before you Apply for these jobs let the company do It okay you got this so thank you so Much for watching and I will see you in The next video bye

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