Up To $2,773 Per Month!! Get Paid To Prepare & Sort Documents Online!! Work From Home Job 2022

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Happy Sunday YouTube family I am back With another work from home job that I Would like to share with you you can Make up to 2773 dollars per month get paid to Prepare and sort documents for daily Entry so before I give you the Information making sure that you're Watching the videos all the way through Because there are valuable information In all of my videos to help you get Closer to lending your first second Third job even a side hustle remember This channel is all about none phone Work at home job leads to go out every Single day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time so make this year again you're Watching the videos all the way through And if you're looking for a non-phone Work at home job lead you have landed on The right channel now we're talking About the company health for our group They're currently seeking quality Control specialist to work from home This is a full-time position as well as This is a entry level position and when You scroll down to the bottom the pay is Between 14 and 16 and I hour that is how I came up with 2773 per month Um I multiply 16 times 40. Um full time is really um you're working 40 hours and that's how I came up um 2773 per month and basically what you'll

Be doing is preparing and sorting Documents for dating entry they're Looking for someone that has computer Literacy familiar with varies computers The programs such as Microsoft Office Here is a free place where you can go And practice your Microsoft Office for Free Um that is with Microsoft 365 training You can practice word excel PowerPoint OneNote SharePoint Microsoft terms so if I clicked on word say for example if I Need help with word all you need to do Is click on it and you need to decide What you need help with if you need help With inserting tables and pictures and Watermarks all you do is click on it and Eventually uh a video will appear and You can watch that and learn as much as You can about Microsoft Word so you can Go ahead and get closer to Landing the Job same thing about Excel if I wanted To know Excel I click on Excel if I want To know how to link data types I click On it and then here it is a video again It teach you how to convert text to a Link data type in Excel so you have to Go out there and use Google as your Friend to research different things so You can get the results you need if you Don't understand something is to help You get closer to Landing your job and You do the same thing on other things Here too as well and then it's talk also

Talks about Um you need to have knowledge of grammar And punctuation here is a free place Called grammar must monster that you can Practice Um your your punctuation and grammar Here this is free so go ahead and check That out on your own time as well as Again this is a quick Card application Meaning it literally takes you about Five minutes or less to complete but you Do not want to rush process and also as You can see on this job there is no State high restriction listed so as long As you're in the United States you're Eligible to apply for the job and give You information about health Mark group It is a leader in health information Management and Technology focused on Serving the health information Management needs all of Physicians Practice in hospitals throughout the Nation so we're going to go a little bit Deeper into what you're going to be Doing Every single day on the job you're going To enter data into database software and Checking to ensure the accuracy of the Data that has been inputted you're going To report directly to Quality Control Data entry managers you're going to Complete data entry of all request You're going to record any Revenue notes On specific requests for further proper

Healing throughout the request life Cycle and you're going to work quickly To meet the high volume demand again They're looking for someone that is Attention to details ability to work to Time constrains so if this sounds like Something that you're able to do to my Right here is they could consider a Quick hire application all you do is Fill out everything and then submit your Application and it's on its way to Um you know going through the Africa Tracker system before it gets into the Hands of recruiter and hire manager so Make sure you go ahead and apply today These type of jobs do not last that long And keep pushing keep applying don't Give up there is a job out there with Your name on it you have to go out there And apply and grab what is yours today By applying for these jobs Um stop second guessing your yourself Stop procrastinating take action faith Without works is dead Um you have to believe in yourself Because if you don't believe in yourself Nobody else will rejections is a part of Life it happens every day even to me and We you know it's not the end of the World you know if you fall down don't Stay down get back up with class note on Me no it means next opportunity go out There and grab what is yours and be Confident again keep pushing keep

Applying don't give up there is a job Out there with your name on it go out There right now and grab what is yours Today by applying for this job here okay Now I am going to be talking about Um course careers um is on this channel I am trying to help you get to the next Level and to better yourself because we All know that the cost of living is Going up and people's pay rate is Staying the same and a lot of people Need Um a better opportunity and if you do Your research text sales and information Technology is high in demand right now Um different companies are looking for People that have Tech sales experience And information technology Um you can start this here no experience Our degree is required now to give you a Little information about tech sales is That text cells is basically you're Going to be reaching out to potential Buyers that are interested in buying the Product of the company that you're Working for like in Google information Technology is more off you're Interacting with customers like a chat During queues and tickets So Um with text cells there are more than 300 000 opening jobs right now and you Can make anywhere between 60k to 80k a Year with information technology there's

More than 200 000 open jobs and you can Make anywhere between 40 and 60k a year Okay so I suggest you to go and look at These testimonies they are very amazing Um just to go over uh with this girl Here she's 19 years old and she worked At Starbucks and like I always say is Nothing wrong with starting somewhere But I don't think it's meant to stay at A company where you're not moving up You're not getting raises so she heard About course careers and she went Through course careers and now she is One of the youngest person Um thus far making 60k a year working From home and it can happen to you so go Ahead and check out their full testing Her full testimony they have a whole Bunch of testimonies that you you can go By and this first step that you need to Do is sign up for their free Introduction course and in this course It's going to give you all the Information you need about information Technology and text sales it's going to Tell you everything that you need to Know Um and at that point if you feel like It's a good fit for you then you need to Stop procrastinate and enroll in their Course their course is a self-paced Course to begin learning you can Complete the course in a few weeks to a Couple months depending on how much time

You commit and you will learn everything Required to learn your first position Now the great thing about course careers We all know when you go to college College is very expensive when you're in College you're maybe out of 100K Um for college and it depends on if you Go to a community college a trade school Uh my graduate schools and you come out And you get a degree takes you what two Years or four years to get a degree here At course careers you can finish this Course in a few weeks in a couple months Plus also when you go out come out and Graduate from college you come out with This degree and you go out and you start Applying for jobs and you can't get a Job because you don't have the Experience so what do some people do They go back to college change their Major go to a different field go get the Degree and they still have the same Issue they cannot get a job because they Only have a degree but not the Experience with course careers they are Training you they have an internship Where you can make anywhere between 15 And 20 an hour and you work for them for Three months gain the experience and Then you have a choice to either get on With them permanently or found another Job that you want to work with that Course careers have partnered with you See where I'm coming from this is a

Win-win opportunity so that's why I say Stop procrastinating you know they're Going to teach you where you how to Start applying the skills you learn from The course to teach you exactly how to Land in the entry level position or Internship by giving you were inside the Knowledge of how to apply to companies What they look for in resumes Applications how to prepare for Interviews and so much more they have Partnered directly with companies they Want to hire students into entry-level Position and internships dropping the Degree in experience required for course Careers graduates in order to get that Experience you have to be a course Career graduate okay and when you go Down a little bit further here I'm gonna choose one course here and I'm Gonna go over the price here the price Is very affordable you don't have to Take out any loans or anything like that I know people that have taken out loans For college 12 years ago and they still Making payments on the loan here it is Is a single payment of 499 dollars That's all you have to pay that is very Affordable they try to make it more Affordable for you is to do a four Payment plan of a hundred and fifty Dollars and all you have to do is pay For that bi-weekly Um to get until you get it paid off but

If you use my coupon code you will get 50 50 off of the 499 dollars and that Information is in my YouTube description Bar under course careers so it is a Win-win okay they have a 14 day money Back guarantee you know that the course Is fully refundable within 14 days of Purchase no courses ads all you have to Do is simply contact them and they will Refund you and on average you will make Over 800 a week as a help desk Professional so basically the course pay For itself during just the first four Days on the job so this is a win-win Every people this is a win-win you know If you have a junior or senior in high School that is uncertain about what they Want to do in their life you need to Tell them to come and watch this video About course careers okay now you have To be 18 years old or older to start This but you need to put this in their Mind a lot of people don't go to college Because they don't have the funds to pay For college here at course careers it is Very affordable okay so it's no excuses For you not to go to college there's not No excuses if you already been to College and you just want to change or Maybe you've been sitting on a job for a While and you say look I'm tired of Making the same amount of income I want To make more money to provide for myself Or for my family this is for you what

You have to do is take action stop Procrastinating too many times when you Procrastinating and thinking things Through you're talking yourself out of Coming up to the next level and there's A lot of people out here that are Hearing this and they're taking action Want to be an I.T person wanna be a tech Sales and you could be the next one when You scroll down they tell you Information about Information Technology It talks about different companies that Are hiring for it as well it talks about The day in the life of an information Technology person and it talks about the Course what they go over here as well as Here's the it course online which you'll Be going over and this is your teacher Josh she is very excellent so go ahead And hop on the wagon and be a part of The course careers where you can go in And enroll and take either text sales or Information technology they these Different companies need you so go ahead And sign up today again information is In my YouTube description bar and Remember Make for sure that you're watching the Videos all the way through because Number one it really helps my channel Number two there are valuable Information in all of my videos to help You get closer to Landing your first Second third job even a side hustle

Consider subscribing to the channel I Would love for you to be a part of the Family by clicking that red button and Don't forget to turn on the Bell to turn On your notification why so when I Upload new videos you'll be notified and That will give you plenty of opportunity To go ahead and apply for these jobs Before then they're no longer available And two when I go YouTube live you'll be Able to catch my live streams and if you Would like to become a member of the YouTube channel make sure you hit that Join button there is a short video Explaining the benefits of becoming a Member of the channel and don't forget To check out my community tab that is Where I engage with you every single day Um I upload my new videos in here as Well as I do polls I ask questions and Different things like that to get a Chance to know you so go ahead and check That out and keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there With your name on it but you gotta Believe if you don't believe in yourself Nobody else will so go out there and Grab what is yours today by applying for These jobs thank you so much for Watching and I will see you in the next Video

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