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Hey welcome my name is Shea from Dreamhomebasework.com make sure you hit That subscribe button and also that Notification Bell so you don't miss out On any new content posted on this Channel hey welcome everyone if you are Looking for an online chat job that you Can do completely from home that does Not involve you talking on the phone With customers or clients you will only Communicate with them through chats or Email and earn 800 around that amount Per week then you will want to keep Watching to learn more about the work at Home job that I want to share with you Today The site that I'll be sharing with you Today is called site123 this website is Known for being a free website builder That allows people to come on and create Beautiful websites you know they have Already pre-made templates here for you To design your website and other Features that you can incorporate into Your website now they make it really Simple to build websites you know most Of their client base and people that are Calling in customers are those that need Help with building their website so Right now I am sitting on their official Website and I'm just going to scroll Down to the bottom so I can get to the Jobs that they have available now right Now they are looking for a sales chat

Specialist along with other positions But we are going to focus on the sales Chat Specialists for this role now site One two three they are looking for an Energetic multitasking salesperson to Work remotely for site one two three now The agent must be familiar with the Internet world and particularly with the Website builder field now to apply you Will email them at this address that is Listed here now here are some must-haves You know in order to apply for this Company you must have experience and Understanding of the website building Field also you must have a proven Um Also you must have proven experience of Cells slash customer service and general And Via live chat now you must be able To have excellent communication and Listening in organizational skills you Must have great enthusiasm for helping Customers excellent time management Skills attention to detail and the Ability to multitask Also you must have knowledge of social Media apps like Facebook LinkedIn Twitter and so forth you also must have Experience in Microsoft Office be fluent In English have the availability to work Standard hours and days in the US and Also you must be a team player with Excellent communication skills now here Are some of the advantages but you don't

Necessarily need these in order to apply Knowledge of HTML and CSS and also Experience with other website builder Platforms is an advantage if you have Those now in regards to responsibilities You will be providing positive customer Experience for their customers through Chat and also email you will also help Them you know increase sales you know You may suggest some services and Products to help them with the website Building process and then you will build Customer relationships as part of the Sales process now they do not have the Salary listed on their jobs page but When I go over to glassdoor.com you know A lot of people go to this website to Report salaries for chat Specialists and So this has seemed to be you know around 39 000 775 dollars as a yearly salary now keep In mind that some companies will pay More some may pay a little bit less so That is just an average salary for a Chat specialist now in regards to Working for site one two three now they Only have a few reviews here I know this Site has been up for years now but they Only have like a few reviews Um here you know this person left great Company and team so you don't have much To go off of as far as the reviews on Glassdoor if you want to choose the Company but yes you can look around

Browse around online for more Information on site one two three and Just remember that in order to apply you Will need to email them at this email Address and I'll make sure I leave the Direct link in the description box below This video if you are having a trouble Finding that link I will reply to you if You leave a comment just say hey I'm Having trouble and I'll leave that link In the comments section as well so make Sure you guys go ahead and apply right Away if you're looking for a chat Specialist job something that you can do Without communicating with people by Phone good luck I really hope you guys enjoyed this Video don't forget to leave a thumbs up And also leave your comments and Suggestions in the comment section below I would love to hear you guys feedback On different video topics please share Them below so until next time guys take Care Ken are online make sure you pick Up my guy 20 beginner friendly ways to Make money online with 150 companies I Made sure that I did all the research For you guys I researched over 150 Companies that you guys can be able to Sign up with apply with also you'll be Able to learn different ways to avoid Scams how to identify if a company is Legitimate or not you know different Sites that you can be able to check

You'll find a lot of good nuggets in This video whether you are a teen Stay-at-home mom you are retired and you Just wanting to transition to working From home so make sure you pick up that Guide I'll leave my link in the Description box below I appreciate you Guys for watching take care guys Hey welcome back everyone super excited To be back with another hot work from Home video today I would like to feature The best 10 work at home jobs that pay Weekly I also include a resource list For you guys to check out more work at Home jobs that pay weekly there are more Than 10 but I wanted to share some of The best companies that you guys can Check out today Foreign

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