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Foreign [Music] Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing good today and I hope Everybody had a great holiday yesterday I'm back with another job for you guys And this one is coming from the company Support ninja okay and they're saying That they're hiring urgently hopefully They really are hiring urgently so we're Gonna go ahead and talk about their Part-time job as a customer service Representative let's go ahead and get Straight to the details you should see The pay on the screen if you don't see The pay on the screen I wasn't able to Find the pay but with this job right Here you're going to be doing customer Support for apps content moderation for Streaming music Services business to Business lead generation for saas Companies and back office support for One of the world's largest non-profits All right so with this job you must have Good communication skills you must be Empathetic you must respond promptly You're going to be assisting customers Via chat email and phone and you're Going to also obtain product Mastery in Order to respond to the customer's Concerns promptly you'll be processing Orders forms and applications and Requests and you will keep records of The customer interactions you're going

To also provide feedback on the Efficiency of the customer service Process and provide comprehensive and Professional customer support to ensure Satisfaction so with this job right here They want you to have proven customer Support experience a track record of Overachieving targets strong phone Contact handling skills and active Listening and you must be familiar with CRM systems and practices customer Orientation and the ability to adapt and Respond to different types of characters Excellent communication of course and The ability to multitask in a high School diploma or GED so this company Does have a very quick application and Again they are asking if you can start Immediately with this job you will have To bring your own device so they won't Be providing you with any equipment so Of course if you guys are interested in Applying for this job you can find the Link in the description bar you guys Know if you have any questions or any Comments you can leave those below and As usual you guys know I appreciate you So much for watching I'll see you in my Next video and good luck to those who Apply for for the job

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