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[Music] Foreign Hi everybody welcome back I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and back with another job for you Guys and this is another part-time job And it's coming from the company Boston Medical Center okay and they're Currently looking for an insurance Verification Specialist to work Part-time so let's go ahead and get Straight into the details the inpatient Verification Specialist role belongs to The revenue cycle patient access team And is responsible for coordinating all Financial clearance activities by Navigating all referral Pre-certification and or authorization Requirements as outlined in pair Specific guidelines and regulations the Role plays an important dual role by Helping to coordinate patient access to Care while maximizing BMC Hospital Reimbursement and this role requires Adherence to Quality Assurance Guidelines as well as established Productivity standards to support the Work units performance expectations the Position reports to the patient access Supervisor and requires interaction in Collaboration with important Stakeholders in the financial clearance Process including but not limited to Insurance company Representatives

Patients Physicians Boston Medical Center practice staff case management And inpatient financial counselors so You just need to have your high school Diploma or GED an associate's degree or Higher is preferred case manager and or Coding certification is desirable four To five years of medical billing denials Coding and or inpatient admitting Experience is desirable and a general Knowledge of healthcare terminology and CPT ICD-10 codes complete understanding Of insurance is preferred excellent Verbal communication knowledge and Experience within epic is preferred Demonstrates Proficiency in Microsoft Suite applications and also has a deep Understanding of revenue cycle processes And applies knowledge to meet and Maintain productivity standards as Outlined by management so this job does Have a workday application those tend to Be pretty quick so of course if you're Interested in applying and you can find The link in the description bar if you Guys have any questions or any comments Feel free to leave those below and as Usual I appreciate you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video And good luck to those who apply for the Job

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