Work From Home PART-TIME Managing Social Media Pages For Huge Education Company | No Degree Needed

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead this one is from the Company skillshare they make all kinds Of videos and courses online training You in different skills they have been Amortized all over YouTube but they are Hiring an associate social media manager Now this is on a contract to 1099 basis This is a part-time 15 hours a week but Real quickly before we get into it I Just want to ask that you leave in the Comments anything specific categories of Jobs you're interested in are you Interested in administrative support Jobs are you interested in customer Service are you only interested in Health care jobs please help me out and Leave below what you are interested in But with that being said skillshare is Hiring someone to write social captions For a variety of their social channels This will include Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Tick Tock and their Pinterest account you'll lead proactive And reactive Community engagement Efforts around trending topics Brands And influencers you will identify new Social content opportunities for Skillshare and work closely with their Brand and social marketing team to make Those come to life you'll also Collaborate with the social and cultural Marketing manager to create schedule and

Publish content across Instagram LinkedIn and Twitter so those are the Three social platforms they are really Focusing on but of course they do not Require any kind of degree they are Looking for someone who's obsessed with Social media and social content popular Brands creativity and creative culture Someone who's uniquely entertaining a Social voice and has a great written and Verbal communication skills someone who Is an eye for design and can understand Brand Aesthetics and of course as Someone who is detail-oriented and it Can can use a different editing software Such as Photoshop canva illustrator IPhone photography or different types of Things like that now of course a pay for This position was not listed you'll have To ask that at the time of the interview Alright if you've made it to the end of This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me Please remember sharing is always caring So if you found this video or anything Else that I share helpful please like my Videos that gives me feedback that they Are being helpful and please share with Your friends and family so we can all Work from home living our happiest the Healthiest life and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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