Wyndham Destinations Remote Jobs! $15.50/hr #workfromhome #job #florida #southcarolina #nevada

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Hey guys real quick I just wanted to Share a couple of remote opportunities With y'all Wyndham destinations the Hotel chain they are hiring for inbound Customer service and sales reps in Florida and South Carolina and Nevada so If you click on the links that I'll put In the comments you'll see how to get to The application they are looking to get Started May 8th so that's next month it Pays 15.50 per hour plus you get a sales Incentive and then they talk about the Training schedule Monday through Friday 9 30 a.m to 6 15 p.m eastern time and Then your actual schedule will be 1 30 To 10 p.m Eastern Time Monday through Friday and then on the weekends they Have it from 11 30 to 8 PM eastern time And you know you can choose either two Days during the week off or one day During the week and one day on the Weekend so link is in the comments

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