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Foreign [Music] Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and I'm back with another job for You guys and this one right here is Coming from the company blueprint okay Definitely check out their other jobs I Did see a few remote jobs available just In case this one isn't your cup of tea But today we're going to be talking About their LSAT live online instructor This is a nationwide job it's part-time You'll be able to work a flexible Schedule so we're going to go ahead and Get straight into the details if you Guys are not familiar with the LSAT it Is the law school admission test and With this job right here you're going to Be preparing students for the LSAT using Their proven blueprint methodology and Curriculum and all blueprint courses Will be delivered in a live online Format and so with this job you'll Basically be helping future lawyers Achieve life-changing scores on the LSAT The job pays pretty good you'll get paid Sixty dollars an hour for primary and Forty dollars an hour for secondary Instructors with bonus opportunities You'll be able to take advantage of a Flexible work schedule classes are Primarily hosted on evenings and Weekends so you can pick a schedule that

Works best for you they're going to Train you and so you're going to have Resources that are going to help you you Know be the best instructor that you can Be and also you will be contributing to The future of blueprints LSAT curriculum Development initiatives okay so they Want someone who has a brag worthy LSAT Score if you earn the 173 Plus on an Official LSAT and also someone who knows What's at stake and you thrive on Feedback and can't wait to coach your Students to success also you look at Standardized tests as puzzles that can Be solved and you love to show people How to break down complex material so it Becomes accessible doable and fun also You thrive on teaching students so the Application for this job isn't too long At all it's not super short but they are Going to ask you a few questions that You can go ahead and answer and of Course if you guys are interested in Applying for this job you can find the Link in the description bar if you guys Have any questions or any comments feel Free to leave those below and as you Usual I thank you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video And good luck to those who apply for the Job

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