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Foreign [Music] And I'm back with another video so in Today's video we're going to explore Another amazing work from home Opportunity and this is a great Opportunity for those who are interested In non-phone-based jobs so data entry And data quality analysts positions are Very popular and usually they are in High demands okay so we're going to talk About this company that's offering this Amazing position that do not require you To have previous experience in data Entry the company is called Beyond trust Now of course many of you probably have Never heard of this company make sure That they are reliable and legitimate Company that is offering a real Opportunity so I simply just go to Google and put in Beyond Trust reviews Just to see get some idea and some Insights into the company so once I did That I was very impressed to find that They have almost 5 star ratings across The board okay so the lowest rating they Receive is four star rating but as you Can see the average is four to five star Ratings for this company so based on That looks to be a legitimate and real Company now for this position it is Called domain data quality analyst again And this is a remote job it's available In the US if you're in Canada it looks

To be available in Canada as well So a little bit about Beyond trust Beyond trust is the worldwide leader in Privileged access management Empowering organizations to secure and Manage their entire universe of Privileges their integrated products and Platform offer the industry's most Advanced Pam solution enabling Organizations to quickly shrink their Tax service across hybrid environments The customer domain data quality analyst Is responsible for onboarding quality And duplication of customer data so That's basically a responsibility in a Nutshell now the duties include managing All necessary initial creation to Customer data to support successful Customer onboarding able to communicate With cross-functional leaders ensure Data Fitness by modifying data and Processes where needed able to Communicate with cross-functional Leaders work cross-functionally or Cross-functional data stewards to help Them achieve their data cleanliness Goals okay so you'll be doing a lot of Data work and communicating about data So again the main responsibility is Onboarding quality and duplication of Customer data now regards to the Requirements for this position as you Can see is not a lot of requirements Here I just need to have proven passion

For data quality discipline follow Procedures effectively execute tasks in A fast-paced and dynamic environments Ability to clean and process data into The system with adequate speed and Accuracy so you'll be entering data into A system and to do stress about having Adequate speed now notice they did not Specify how many words per minute you Need to type so adequate speed would be Around 50 words per minute on average For such a position okay so if you type 40 words per minute I would still go Ahead and apply for this job even if you Type 30 words per minute because again They did not specify how many words per Minute is considered adequate So let's say 30 words per minute to 50 Words per minute and over also you have To be accurate and have a high degree of Sensitivity strong analytical skills Including demonstrated data analysis and Interpretation skills so those are the Requirements notice that you don't need To have previous experience that did not List years of experience in a related Role or anything like that they just Want you to have passion be able to Execute follow procedures ability to Clean and process data and strong Analytical skills that's basically all That is required now they do have their Desired skills right beneath that if you Have these skills then that'll be a plus

For you if you have one to two years of Experience in data handling or data Entry role SQL and or intermediate Excel Strong analytical and problem solving Skills good inter personal skills proven Ability to meet established deadlines Then these are desirable but they are Not required so that's basically it That's all they have here in regards to This job opportunity and you scroll down To the application form if you have a LinkedIn account you can apply with your LinkedIn account and it will Automatically fill in the details which Will make the application go a lot Quicker and smoother for you okay so if You don't have a LinkedIn account of Course you would have to attach your Resume as well as your cover letter to This job post and submit your Application if you are not confident or You are a little bit iffy about your Resume and your cover letter I provide Services as well as resume templates for Jobs remote these jobs specifically for Remote-based jobs okay so definitely Check those out I've been doing this for So many years so I bring a lot of Knowledge and expertise when it comes to Crafting resumes for remote-based Positions so definitely check out the Information that I have listed on the Description section below this video Alright so in terms of the salary how

Much exactly does beyond trust pay for This particular position because they Don't have the pay on their job listing So when you can't find a pay on a job Listing then you may have to do some Google search to get as close as you can To the average salary for this job with This company so I went ahead and do that And I found them listed on indeed as you Can see this is the job right here and Indeed have them quoted at 60k to 76k a Year right and that is just the Estimated salary based on indeed now if You go to different sources you may get A lower amount so for instance if you go And Google the average salary for domain Data entry analysts you will see it has It stated at 46k per year average salary For a domain data entry analysts or just Data entry analysts okay but companies Pay differently so it depends on the Company this is just a general Um you know salary for just data entry Analysts it's not specifically for Beyond trust they tend to have very high Paying positions but that is the average For a data entry analyst again it's 42 000 per year but again Beyond trust is a High-paying company and it could very Well be within a range of 60k to 76k as Indeed have it stated here so based on Our research on the salary for this Particular job I would go between 20 to 30 dollars an hour for on average and

Also keep in mind that salary ranges Depend on your experience levels so Let's say you meet the Preferred Quality Occasions then you will get the highest Pay if you're just an entry level you Don't have like prior working experience But you do have the skills and the Knowledge then you may get around 25 an Hour for this particular position so We're going to put it at 20 to 38 an Hour for this position with Beyond trust Okay so that concludes this particular Job with this company I wish you all the Best of luck check out the link in Description section for this job along With other jobs that I have posted that Are still hiring even the jobs that I Posted during the week there's still Some positions available so make sure You check them out and I wish you all The best of luck happy work from home Bye Damn

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