💥URGENT HIRE! 2 Remote DATA ENTRY Jobs at Home| NO PHONE Online Typing Jobs

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[Music] Hey welcome back today I would like to Share some more hot work from home job Leads these companies are hiring data Entry care so you want to keep watching To learn more about these companies and How you can apply today Hey welcome my name is Shea from Dreamhomebasework.com make sure you hit That subscribe button and also that Notification Bell so you don't miss out On any new content posted on this Channel the first data entry remote job Is with a company called Pathways this Is a mental health platform that is Currently hiring an HR data entry Specialist this position pays 17 per Hour now your role includes you know Serving as the primary point of contact For HR projects you will be verifying Approvals to process employee Transactions and also troubleshooting And resolving all issues related to Employee pay now you will need an Associate degree or equivalent Experience in the data entry field this Position comes with Benefits medical Dental and vision and it is full time so Definitely make sure you apply today the Next remote data entry job is with a Company called care meds this is a Medical bill benefit verification Company that is currently hiring a data Entry specialist this is a full-time

Position where you will be responsible For logging information into their Database you will also help with inbound Calls and distributing daily reports With information to vendors and team Members now for this role you will need At least one year of experience and Customer service or Health Care great Written and verbal communication skills Strong computer skills no degree is Needed no salary is listed for this role However I was able to find on Glassdoor.com that the average salary is Around forty two thousand dollars per Year so this data entry job sounds Interesting to you go ahead and apply to One of these companies today I'll leave All links in my description box below The video make sure you like and share With your family and friends good luck To everyone take care If you've been having a problem Landing A work from home job then you should Definitely update and optimize your Resume my new resume template bundle Comes with templates that are already Formatted and written out they come with Examples so you would just simply swap Out the information with your own this Bundle comes with two resume templates Cover letters reference letter as well As a thank you letter I made sure to Tailor these templates for beginners as Well as those that have experience now

I'm sure many of you guys are wondering Why is my resume so important it really Does strengthen your chances of Landing A remote job so it was really important For me to make sure it was ready to be Scanned through a hiring software called The applicant tracking system better Known as the ATS which is a system that A lot of these companies are using to Scan your resume And pick the next candidate for the job So this bundle is only 19 make sure you Grab it today it will definitely help You stand out among everyone else and Land more remote jobs Foreign

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