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Foreign Basework.com make sure you hit that Subscribe button and also that Notification Bell so you don't miss out On any new content posted on this Channel are you a daily internet user With an active Gmail account tell us International may have the perfect work From home job for you tell us International is hiring what they call a U.S Raider you will work remotely from Home on your own turn tell us International needs someone with strong Communication skills and a daily Internet user most of the tasks will be Completed from your smartphone you will Simply search the internet and rate text Images and other content online so here Are a few quick details about the Position you must have a high school Diploma or GED you must live in the U.S For the past five years also strong Communication skills are a plus 12 Months experience using Gmail so just Send Gmail account also active user of Social media including Twitter and Facebook and you must have either a Desktop and a smartphone or a laptop and A smartphone in order to complete the Task You are ready to apply go ahead and Check the description or the comments Below for the link to apply and become a Raider today good luck to everyone

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