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That's from my Internationals my Caribbeans my Africans All right so in this video we're gonna Touch on a subject the subject of this Video is Jamaica okay and I have to wrap Jamaica in this video because I am a Jamaican I was born in Jamaica okay my Family majority of my family are Jamaicans so I got a rap for my people Of many one people okay So I just love Jamaica I just love my People my nationality because we come in So many different flavors you got Asian Jamaicans you got Indian Jamaicans and I'm Indian as well I'm mixed with Indian So I got Jamaican and Indian in my blood So I love my people again so I love my Country And my nationality I'm proud of It all right so of course Why would I leave my people out I see Your comments I get your emails and the Majority of you are looking for Remote-based online jobs in Jamaica now Of course if you're a Jamaican who live In the US you have the benefit you know Such as myself of The opportunities that are available in The US and there's so many there's so Many opportunities available for U.S Residents right Of course is evident throughout my Channel and my videos that all the jobs Are seem to only cater to U.S residents Now for those who do not reside in the

U.S you are outside of the U.S you live In Jamaica or you live in Africa et Cetera et cetera it can be a challenge Right it is definitely challenged to Find remote-based companies that will Hire you outside of the US and if even If they are hiring Internationals it Will state that they're hiring Everywhere in the world like Global Opportunities some jobs may say remote Work no matter where you are in the World you'll be able to do the job right And then I will still get Internationals That are saying oh it's not available in My specific location in this country so That is also an issue it's similar to Some U.S based jobs or companies might Be hiring in certain areas of the US They're not hiring all over the U.S so Some areas may be left out such as California or New York or other states May be left out as well so you will bump Into those types of jobs as well that Will state that okay they're hiring in Jamaica or they're hiring in Africa but Some areas in Africa are still going to Be left out that happens okay that is Just how it is Um unfortunately I can't control that And I do my best okay not to leave you Guys out it's just that majority again Of the remote-based jobs are available To U.S residents and another reason why I share mostly U.S based resident jobs

Is because I have access to my YouTube Channel analytics all right and based on My analytics at least 80 to 90 of my Audience are us-based so because I have So many people from the US that watches My my videos looking for opportunities I Tend to gear more towards them but it Doesn't mean that I'm intentionally Leaving out everyone else in other Countries okay so every now and then I Will come across something and I'll Share it it doesn't benefit me to not Share anything that will cater to a mass Amount of audience in different parts of The world it doesn't benefit me or my Channel so I don't intentionally keep These opportunities a Secret Under Wraps I don't avoid them I don't see them and Ignore them I'm not doing that at all if A company is hiring globally or Worldwide I will share it okay because That's a juicy lead that's a hot lead Right so in this video I'm gonna share Some companies that may be hiring in Jamaica and other countries as well so It'll be a mixture of worldwide Opportunities companies that are stating That they hire worldwide if you are in The world and you are Jamaica then it Should apply to you as well right and Also if you're not in Jamaica and you Just come across this video because You're curious and you want to be like Okay well why are you making a video for

Jamaicans only What About Us in India What About Us in Morocco What About Us In Israel et cetera et cetera et cetera Then you just have to wait yourself okay I'm just one person and I have to do it One at a time and again all right some Of these companies may not just be Hiring in just Jamaica they could be Hiring globally it just included Jamaica As well right and so because I do get a Lot of comments from Caribbeans and Internationals that are in Jamaica Also in Africa right so some of these Jobs may also be for those who are in Africa so I'm just gonna put some of the Flags that I can put on this video and If you see your flag in my default photo Then this video is for you okay but of Course again because you know I do get Jamaicans and uh Jamaica I just got a Replica people and help my people out Right I did do a video a while ago where I shared some opportunities for Jamaicans and some resources so I this Is more like an updated version of that Video okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm Going to by the way if you're looking at My hair and you're like I don't you know Like uh what's going on I explained this in a video for another Group of people you know those U.S People that's always taking your jobs so You can check that video out and you can You know I have a link in the

Description section below this video if You want to learn more about it all Right okay so let's jump into these Opportunities for those who are Internationals specifically for Jamaicans and if you are not Jamaican And you came across this video still Check out the links in the description Section because it might be available in Your country as well all right so while You guys are checking those out I'm Gonna be jamming No no no no no no No let's jump into the video and share Some of the hottest work from home Positions that are available to Caribbeans Jamaicans and also worldwide So the first company that I want to Share with you is Apple they have been Around for such a long time they are a Company that have multiple positions Posted different tasks that you can do Non-phone-based okay majority of the Jobs that I'm going to share with you Are non-form bees all right so you don't Have to worry about being on the phone If you're not not someone that like Talking to people then this is the video For you okay so this is coming from Appin and they always have a position Available they have part-time flexible Jobs and with these projects you can Apply qualify for longer term or Part-time opportunities and you can

Click Apply right here They also have some micro tasks that you Can do online on your spare time work You can start right away so you can Start your micro task positions right Away okay they also have survey on data Collection simple tasks such as surveys Or record your voice with your mobile Device so you can use your mobile phone For some of these jobs all right they Also have some corporate jobs on here Listed now these corporate jobs may not Be available everywhere but you can go Through their corporate position they Have language jobs if you speak various Language like if you're multilingual or Bilingual then they have positions Available on their sites for this if you Are multilingual or bilingual majority Of the jobs are going to be like Translation or you know transcription Work Linguistics those types of the Those are the type of jobs that they're Gonna have on their website so they have An app here which is very convenient if You want to work directly from your Phone and perform some of these tasks And earn some money whether you're Interested in doing projects or micro Task positions you can click on apply to Any one of these so I'm going to take You here where you're going to have to Create an account all right and it's

Absolutely free to create an account With appin now of course I don't have an Account so I can't even see what the Projects are going to be but I do have a Pretty good idea because I've shared Their jobs in the past before and Majority of their jobs has to do with You know making sure Google searches are Accurate so you'll be checking to make Sure that you know your website Evaluation make sure the websites are You know pulling up the right searches When you do a search in Google so very Simple task and it pays like 15 to 16 Dollars per hour that you'll make with Their micro tasks and their micro tasks Can be again you know doing searches Data entry work things like that all Non-phone-based jobs that they have and They tend to hire worldwide including Jamaica so it says work that can be done From anywhere in the world so we're Gonna assume that our pin is including Jamaica as well and the Caribbeans all Right so we're gonna jump to the next Opportunity because I don't want to keep You guys too long and this opportunity Is go transcript they hire as you can See available worldwide okay and if You're Jamaica you are in the world so It should apply to you you can join go Transcript and be a part of a global Team of professional transcriptionists And they pay fairly well so you can

Watch how to join just click on this and It's going to take you to this video you Can watch the video to get further Information on how to join your website So you can start you know working and Making money so you will get paid up to 60 cents per audio or video minutes Which can earn you around ten dollars Per hour depending on the length of the Audio that you're typing or video that You're listening to you can also order Okay average earnings per month is 150 Average earnings for typing jobs if You're doing this on your spare time When you when you have down time and You're not doing it full time you can Make 150 if you want to go hard with it You can make you know 1215 Monthly earnings so transcription jobs Are not going to be the highest paying Positions they are you know small little Amounts of money here and there look More like extra cash that you can make But you can work for multiple companies And this will help you I shared in a Video I did yesterday for the Americans A company called transcribe me so I'm Going to share that company with you too Because transcribe me is a transcription Website that that offer higher paying Transcription work okay so it's slightly Higher you can make let's say 16 to 15 To 22 dollars per audio hour which is

The highest paying for transcription Work so they both to be the highest Paying transcription Company to pay you You know top earnings right so Transcription work is good if you're International it's not phone based it's Super easy to do and it can earn you Extra income now if you're looking for Something like a full full-time job well I do have some jobs I'm going to share With you in a moment but I just want to Cover these so So these are the companies I want to Highlight in this video majority of them Is not for this again you're doing Simple tasks online such as Transcription work typing jobs uh Translation jobs okay to work in other Countries all right so some of the jobs I just mentioned to you in this video That's Focus forward is another Transcription job that is available to International school transcripts as well As another company that's available There's a company called boldly they pay Up to 25 per hour and they offer International positions you can always Go directly to the website and this is Bully and it says apply to join us and You can see if they have any Opportunities available okay so with Boldly before proceeding to the Application you have to answer some Questions to confirm that you are

Eligible to apply some of the questions May confirm that you are in the location In which jobs may be available so they Will have some jobs available in Different countries but not out all the Time all right but you can check every Now and then with boldly to see if they Have anything available all right so Going back to my list of opportunities Here I have a long list all right these Are all the jobs to hire outside of the US Global jobs that you can do these are Things that you can do outside of the us All right so again long list I'm gonna Link this in the description section Below the video so you can see my list Of companies that I've gathered over the Years of getting asked under my videos For remote-based positions for Caribbeans Jamaicans Africans and Companies that can hire worldwide so Check this list and go through the Companies and see if there's anything Available another thing I want to share With you there is a website called Caribbeanjobs.com where you can search For remote base positions so they have Some jobs currently available and as you Can see some of them are work from home And I have it set to Jamaica right so These are Jamaican positions they have a Company called influx that look like They have a positions available and it's A call center operations manager

Position work from home all parishes So you can definitely check this out This was posted this year and it's Available Kingston Kingston St Andrews They have a bilingual customer service Agent position available to work from Home or parachutes if you speak English And French see okay so you just go Through this list of opportunities that They have available to work from home in Jamaica okay in different locations in Jamaica another thing you can do you can Go to Simply Hired and type in online Africa online Jamaica and you will see Some remote positions sometimes when the Job says remotes and they don't have Anything else but they just say remote Like this one says remote it's assumed That this might be available outside of The us as well meaning that you can work Remotely from anywhere because they Don't mention anything else but remote So sometimes that is the case all right Now going back to my website I'm gonna Be posting more worldwide jobs when I Come across them in my hiring section You see this tab right here it says Now Hiring okay you're gonna click on it and It's gonna take you to a list of jobs That I update this website on a regular Basis all right so I just recently Started adding a global job section all Right to help you out and these are the Current positions that are now hiring

Globally all right so some of them are Possibly Global if they mention remote And they don't State any other Restrictions they don't state that any Other countries is restricted I will add It to the list and you can try and see If they are available in your country Right so just make sure you check my now Hiring section because I'm going to try My best to find some more Global jobs And post them in a section under the Global jobs section for the day all Right so these jobs are currently hiring In South Africa if you're in South Africa there's a company currently Hiring for Content marketing coordinator All right so that's basically all the Information I have for you guys in this Video hopefully to help you out check The links in the description section Below this video to get started and I Hope this helped you if so make sure you Share this video with your friends and Family and subscribe to Melissa at home And I thank you so much for joining me Happy work from home bye

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