$1,057 To $1,250 Week Non-Phone (Email & Chat) Work From Home Job | Computer Provided | USA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another daily work from home job Lead for you today's job lead is from The company Saros they have 102 reviews On Glassdoor with a 4.4 out of 5 star Rating and of course their Glassdoor Page as well as the job application page Will both be linked down in the YouTube Description box below this video they Are hiring a customer support specialist Now this is going to be through chat an Email so it is completely Non-phone now seros as a company has a Growing Suite of cloud-based tools Empowering professional creators to be Able to push beyond their design Boundaries and transform in the way they Can collaborate with their teams so they Offer like software and Creative Cloud Solutions to artists and designers Basically so it says that you will be on On the front line of the support for Their customers around the globe helping Them learn and Thrive with the sea Rose Platform through live chat in email and Sometimes screen shares your primary Focus will be to help the customers with Any questions they have about the Cerro Studio or any other aspects of the Platform you'll answer technical Questions from clients and teammates Through live chat and email you'll work Side by side with the clients on the

Platform to help them achieve their Project goals you'll escalate any Advanced questions or issues to the Appropriate channels as necessary and You'll always be taking notes in your Head and identifying opportunities for Client training and development so this Will require you to become an expert and Stay up to date on the new features of The software now if that sounds like Something you are interested in doing They are not requiring any kind of a College degree they want somebody who Has experience working and designed Programs like Adobe Photoshop or InDesign someone who has experience Working in some kind of customer service Role before you do not have to have Knowledge of like HTML CSS and JavaScript that may be helpful for the Position but it is not required you do Need to be able to communicate technical Concepts to a non-technical audience so Being able to put things into plain English for people who can understand Them great communication skills great at Typing skills and they're looking for Somebody who can be a self-starter now Pay for this position is the course Going to be dependent on a location and Experience but ranges anywhere from Fifty five thousand dollars a year all The way up to 65 000 a year they do offer standard

Benefits including health insurance 401K Paid time off they also say they offer Excellent gear you get a MacBook Air External monitor Etc so they are going to give you all The computer equipment you need to do The job alright as always if this job Lead was not for you that's absolutely Okay please feel free to leave in the Comments anything specific that you're Looking for I do read those and keep That in mind thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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