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Foreign [Music] Welcome back I'm back with another job For you guys and this job is going to be Coming from the company Ascension okay So this company has quite a few remote Jobs and they have great pay so make Sure to check out their career section But today we're going to be talking About their executive assistant job of Course this is a remote job it's in the U.S it's full time it's Monday through Friday and you will have benefits okay So let's go ahead and jump right into The details you will be providing direct Support to the executive you're going to Be proactively supporting a Leader's Strategic priorities helping a leader Identify the areas where they must Direct their focus in identifying Metrics for Success you want to be Responsible for meeting preparation and Follow-up reviewing upcoming meetings For the week to ensure the leader has All the information needed and you're Going to send out agendas or documents To meeting attendees as necessary and Take meeting notes and track meeting Action items you will manage internal And external Communications you're going To be writing drafts of decks emails and And documents for the executive and You're going to help complete priority Items for the executive you're going to

Keep the executive accountable for Commitments while keeping direct reports Accountable for results and you're going To be responsible for meeting an event Preparation and you're going to ensure That materials are sent in advance time Is well spent and objectives are Achieved you will have project Management you will need to have your High school diploma and five plus years Of experience organizing and managing Senior executive in complex set of Responsibilities and relationships Possess a bachelor's degree business Management or related field is preferred Detail-oriented experience with Financial reports and processing and Proficiency with G Suite be Self-motivated have strong time Management be excellent with your Communication and organization and this Job right here according to Glassdoor Pays about 65k a year of course that's An estimate you will have to get the Exact pay from the company it's looking Like it's going to take under five Minutes to apply for this job if you're Interested in applying you can find the Link in the description bar you guys Know that I wish you the best of luck Feel free to leave any questions or Comments below thank you guys so much For watching and I'll see you in my next Video

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