$1,153 To $1,250 Week Work From Home Job For Mobile Messaging Company | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead for you today's job Lead is from the company message media They have a 4.2 out of 5 star rating on Glassdoor and 75 reviews on Glassdoor of Course if you want to check out the Company which I always suggest you do Your own research this glass door page And the job page will be linked down in The YouTube description box below this Video they are hiring a customer Experience specialist now this is remote Within the United States and they are Paying very decent for a customer Service job they're paying anywhere from Sixty thousand dollars a year all the Way up to 65 000 a year now message media provides Mobile messaging solutions that help the Businesses of all sizes it helps Businesses get out notifications about Billing payments appointment reminders Marketing staff scheduling all kind of Things that they need to get to people People so you are basically going to be A customer service rep this will require Phone email and chat channels and you'll Be answering all incoming customer Queries professionally and with a Customer-centric approach you'll raise Red flags whenever the business process Such as a billing installation or Anything pre or post sales needs

Correction to make sure the customer has A seamless experience you also process Cancellation requests for U.S customers And contribute to customer retention Activities now they are not requiring Any kind of college degree for this Position they're looking for somebody Who has two to three years of experience In some kind of a customer support role Someone who has a passion for delivering Outstanding experience to customers Someone who can be a problem solver have Excellent communication skills and they Do say that it is required that you have A previous sales force zendesk or Similar support tool experience all Right if you've made it to the end of This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me as Always leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for I do Read those and keep that in mind and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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