$128 To $160 Day Reviewing Background Checks From Home With No Degree | Work From Home Job 2023

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Welcome back my YouTube friends this is Lindsay and I am back with another Non-phone work from home job lead not Just because you don't want to be on the Phone doing customer service non-phone Does not have to mean data entry it can Be a wide array of things and today we Have the company iD Tech they are hiring A human resources assistant now this is A temporary position but it is a Full-time remote from the United States They are looking for someone to help Their human resources department in Supporting their onboarding of their Seasonal staff so you'll be helping Process the employment paperwork Recording the employment data doing Background checks all of those things Specifically conducting reference checks Via phone and email you'll also review All of the background checks and Coordinate with management and new hires To make sure that all of their i9s are Completed and on file and you'll provide Assistance with any ad hoc Administrative of projects that the Human resources department needs now They are paying anywhere from 16 to 20 Dollars an hour for this position and This is position is eligible for 401K And benefits if that sounds like Something for you they're looking for Someone who has one to two years of Clerical office experience someone who

Can either work with Microsoft Office or Google Suite someone who has great Attention to detail and can work Independently with minimal supervision If you found this job leader helpful or Anything else that I share helpful well Please like this video that gives me Direct feedback that it is being helpful And please share with all your friends And family so we can all work from home Living our happiest healthiest life I Want to say thank you you so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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