$18.69/hr Part-Time Job! #shorts #workfromhome #job

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Hey guys real quick I wanted to share This unique job that I saw from a Company called ProMedica they are hiring Part-time room service operators and When I looked up the pay on Glassdoor It's going to be about 18 per hour it Says in this job you're gonna assist With day-to-day operations for ProMedica Room service Choice call center position Requires frequent phone contact with Patients Physicians nurses care Navigators dietitians volunteers and Vendors now they don't get into the Actual hours but it does say that you Need to be able to sit for up to six Hours and they will provide equipment But you have to be willing to travel to Pick it up so you have to live within a Hundred miles of Toledo Ohio to do this Job but if you like this one I will put The link in the chat box so that you can Apply to it because this is a good one

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