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Hello what is up welcome back to my Channel and if you're new hey for the First time my name is CeCe and I post Daily work from home job Leaf videos That will help you switch out of an Office job to working from home remotely Please excuse my voice I am getting over A really bad cold but I'm feeling much Better so I apologize for my absence I Hope you guys are able to put in some Great job applications over the weekend But I've rested as much as I can I'm Ready to come back and hit you guys with Some great leads so please click the Thumbs Up Video spam it it really helps Me out and it will make up for all of The lost time this weekend so this is Through compassion careers we are Looking at a data support specialist it Is part-time temporary and it is through Like I said compassion which is a Christian organization helping sponsor Kids all across the globe they are Hiring 17 to 18 per hour this was just Posted today and the hiring range Applies to U.S based employee moment and May be higher in certain U.S Geographic Locations so when that is stated what That means to is the rate of pay can go Up or down based off of the city and State you live in based off of your State laws so a little overview Compassions protection and safeguarding Team is looking for a person or persons

To join and assist with the transition To a new case management system this Person will support the team by updating Confidential and sensitive records in Specific data fields and you may be Asked to engage in other light clerical Work related to record updating as the Project requires this is a part-time Temp position from December 2022 until March 2023 but it is still W-2 what you Need to possess and what you will do Maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as it is a Christian Organization act as an advocate for Children understand and Advance Christ Mandate to protect children and take Active steps to help protect against Neglect abuse exploitation uphold and Engage in their core cultural beliefs And behaviors review update and transfer The sensitive Child Protection records To the new system manually update Documents and data and use discretion When handling that sensitive information You need to bring time management skills Basic computer skills you can navigate Web applications and previous experience With data entry is also a plus and why Work here you get to join a team that's Motivated to release children from Poverty in Jesus name and you get that Spiritual growth they'll have regular Chapel Services prayer groups and Department devotionals so this is a

Really really beautiful place to work if You guys are interested in this page and You want to apply for this job you can Find the link to do so on my website it Will be linked in the description box Below it should say all job leads here Click that and you will find the correct Page to get to if this one was not for You on your screen are two other videos I've also posted check those out you Might find a better match for yourself There click my face to subscribe if you Still have not and I will talk to you in My next video bye

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