$18 Hour NON-PHONE Tickets / Email Customer Support Work From Home Job 2023 | NO Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And we have another non-phone customer Support type job lead for you today of Course the link if you're interested in Applying is down in the YouTube Description box below and if you find This job lead helpful please give this Video a thumbs up like button and share With your friends and family but with That being said the company vejo they Are on a mission to revolutionize the World of package delivery by trying to Create exceptional experiences not only For the customers but also for the Drivers they are hiring an associate of Client support now this is a remote Within the United States only and this Is a full-time position now Viejo is Backed by former top Executives and Board members from big companies such as Uber FedEx UPS eBay and Amazon they are Looking for someone to be responsible For managing and resolving inquiries and Issues from clients in a timely and Professional manner so that will include Responding to the client inquiries via Slack email and zendesk ticketing system So this is non-phone you'll communicate With the clients through those different Platforms as well as proprietary tools You assess the services that they need And connect them with the appropriate Response or Associated team so you'll Just do anything you can to resolve

Their problems and help them out and Lead them to the information that they Need now the starting hourly pay for This role is 18 an hour and they are Looking for someone who has customer Service experience a zendesk experience And business to business support Experience of course if this job lead Was not for you that's okay please feel Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you are looking for as I'm Always reading that and keeping that in Mind when I am searching for job leads To share thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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