$18 Hour Remote Work From Home Test Scorers Wanted | Virtual Hiring Event March 27th 2023 | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job opportunity for you this one is Going to be non-phone of course the Links to everything I share are always In the YouTube description box below This video the company data recognition Corporation they have 379 reviews on Glassdoor with a score of a 4.1 out of 5 Stars they are hiring a virtual hiring Event for test scores now they're Looking for this is remote work from Home but they're looking for test scores Either in the Eastern Earth central time Zones they are paying 18 an hour now the Way a virtual hiring event Works they Have complete instructions Down Below in This Indeed job page but you'll click Schedule an interview you'll fill out Your information and you'll set up an Interview now they are doing the Interviews on March 27th 2023 from 10 A.m to 12 P.M so if you're interested in Being a test score please get those Interviews scheduled now one thing to Note this is a seasonal job they are Hiring temporary test scores to help in The busy spring assessment season They're the largest education assessment And curriculum instruction company in The world and as we know as the school Year wraps up you have all of your end Of grade end of year testing going on And those tests have to be scored so

They're looking to hire people at this Hiring event and they're looking for you To literally begin soon in the end of March and to into April and work through June and July so you'll just be scoring Test based on a scoring rubric that they Give you now they are looking for people Who do have a four-year degree and they Say you have to have a documented a Proof of that degree they're going to Require you when you're scoring tests to Work a standard Monday through Friday 8 30 a.m to 4 P.M daytime shift and They're not providing any computer Equipment for you you have to have your Own laptop or desktop with audio and Microphone capabilities in your own Internet connection now if you keep Scrolling down on the indeed thing it Goes over when you hit the schedule and Interview button you'll have to put in Your full home address be sure to write Two to three paragraphs of the Questionnaire when asked and you'll have To upload proof of your degree all right I know this one is a little bit Different but I thought I would share Since the company has a such a great Rating thank you so much for watching And supporting me as always feel free to Leave in the comments anything specific That you're looking for and I'll be back Really really soon with more work from Home job leads just for you

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