$18 To $20 Hour Responding To Social Media Comments | Non-Phone Work From Home Job 2023 | USA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am bringing You another daily work from home job Lead this one is from NP digital they Are a marketing agency and they are Hiring a social media specialist now This is remote work from home for my United States folks only and this is a 1099 contractor position they are Looking for someone though to work Almost full-time anywhere from 30 to 40 Hours a week if you're interested in Applying the links to everything I share Are always in the YouTube description Box below this video but they are Looking for someone to be Forward-thinking social media Specialists to manage their comments on All their social media accounts so that Includes LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Facebook YouTube Tick Tock they have Multiple social media accounts and they Are looking for someone to respond to All the comments for the Neil Patel Brands across those multiple social Media platforms and email valuable Responses you'll research and reply to All the questions asked via Instagram LinkedIn Twitter YouTube and Facebook You'll utilize their internal database And subject matter experts to provide The best engagement to their followers You'll interact with the online Communities and identify opportunities

For potential customers for the agency You'll also be creating a comment speech Guidelines for the company's reference And creating a knowledge base related to Common comments you'll help the social Media manager to create reports for the Social media channels so this is Completely non-phone work from home job Now they are not requiring any kind of College degree it does say you get bonus Points and I guess you get into the Front of the line for an interview if You do have a bachelor degree in some Kind of marketing or relevant field but That is actually not required they are Looking for someone who is passionate About out digital marketing has Knowledge with SEO paid advertisement All those social media things that go on With the marketing through social media These days someone who is great written In verbal communication skills you have To be a great English speaker and writer And of course you have to have excellent Knowledge and best practices for social Media channels like Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Tick Tock they Need somebody who can be a critical Thinker and Problem Solver now if this Is you they are paying anywhere from 18 To 20 dollars an hour of course that is Always dependent on experience and Location all right if this job lead was Not for you that's okay please feel free

To leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for even if I'm always not responding I am reading Those and keeping that in mind when I am Searching for job leads to share thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Bleeds just for you

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