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[Music] Foreign [Music] Hi everybody welcome back I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and back with another job for you Guys and this job right here is going to Be a part-time and seasonal job okay so I'm excited to bring you guys this Opportunity I've been really looking for Part-time jobs and I haven't been seeing Any that you know I felt were worth Bringing to the channel but today we're Going to be talking about a job with the Company Education First when I first Started doing videos I used to post Education First opportunities a lot it's Been quite some time since I've posted Them but they do have this position Right here as a pre-tour on tour support Coordinator again it's part time and Seasonal and it's available in the US so Let's go ahead and get into the details This job has a start date of March 13th 2023 or May 1st 2023 and it is going to Be paying 20 an hour and so with this Job you're going to be assisting Customers with issues or questions that Arise including flight requests or Challenges cancellations medical Incidents tour quality concerns travel Preparation and more and you're going to Be collaborating with multiple teams You're going to work with tour directors

Flights operations safety and incident Response and you're going to partner With colleagues on call and other shifts To create a seamless handoff for the Customer you will need to approach every Case believing that nothing is Impossible and you are going to need to Be a problem solving and have Grace Under Pressure you're going to also need To maintain consistency and process and Procedures to ensure a smooth customer Transition between shifts and they'd Like for you to have one year in a Customer facing role strong attention to Detail be a strong Communicator have Excellent organizational and conflict Resolution skills and also problem Solving skills you'll be assisting Customers via phone and email and you Will be working a combination of hours In one of the following shifts that's Going to be between Friday and Monday Sunday through Wednesday and Thursday Through Sunday so here's the application Right here of course if you're you're Interested in applying you can find the Application in the description bar you Guys know if you have any questions or Comments you can leave those below and Of course I wish you the best of luck I'll see you guys in my next video and Thank you so much for watching

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