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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great back with Another job for you guys and this one Right here is coming from the company National University okay and they're Currently looking for an administrative Assistant to to work in the U.S Full-time let's go ahead and jump Straight into the details you will be Providing administrative and staff Support duties for administrators Faculty and students within the School Of Public Service requiring a range of Skills and knowledge of organizational Policies and procedures you will resolve Administrative problems and inquiries And collect and disseminate school Department and program data you're going To compose editing proofread Correspondence and reports and review Route audit high volume internal forms Including grade appeals grade changes Dissertation extensions and committee Assignments expense approvals and Reimbursements and provide meeting Scheduling and coordination and prepare A range of administrative documents and For this job right here they would like For you to have a bachelor's degree in a Related field for assigned departments That's a plus in three years relevant Experience supporting a department

Within a university setting is preferred They also want you to have solid Critical thinking also the ability to Resolve problems and intermediate use of Computers and Microsoft Office Applications so this job right here is Going to pay between 24 and 32 dollars An hour and you will have a workday Application which is pretty quick so of Course if you're interested in applying For this job check out that link in the Description bar you guys know I wish you The best of luck make sure to leave any Questions or comments below and as usual I'll see you guys in my next video thank You so much for watching

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