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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company pelvic Rehabilitation medicine And they're currently looking for a Research assistant and this is going to Be a part-time job for you some good pay On this job 25 an hour and you will be Working a few hours a week okay so let's Go ahead and get straight into the Details you will be researching and Analyzing data regarding treatments for Male and female pelvic pain and you will Be drafting papers that will be Submitted for review and nationally Acclaimed medical journals if you're Going to research treatment for Endometriosis Women's Health and chronic Pelvic pain and analyze data to use in Research papers for submission to Journals you will communicate regularly With the chief medical officer you will Aid in the journal submission process And they'd like you to have previous Research experience and statistics Knowledge and experience with spps and Be familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel okay so with this job right here You're going to have a Paylocity Application those can be kind of long Sometimes they're short depends on the

Company of course if you're interested In applying check out that link in the Description bar you guys know if you Have any questions or any comments you Can leave those below and as usual I Thank you guys so much for watching I'll See you on my next video and good luck To everyone who applies for the job

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