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Hello everybody good morning welcome Back to my channel and if you're new hey For the very first time my name is CeCe I post daily work from home job lead Videos side hustles ways to make you Money fast and I'm here today with a job Lead for you guys that is very high Paying and remote so hopefully it will Help some of you guys out there Scholastic Group which is funny Scholastic a little pun is looking for a Virtual English teacher you will be have You will have to be tefl certified and There are many different sites and Organizations you can go through to get A tefl certification I know a lot of you Already currently possess it and so this Is going to be for you the salary is Thirty dollars per hour and you can do Fuller part-time and you will be Provided with a range of course books And materials and it will be your main Role to help students converse with each Other by applying the skills and Vocabulary they've previously learned You will be helping them to improve on The four principal language components Of listening speaking reading and Writing all in English and you will Place a strong emphasis on conversation And speech using formal activities Language games and reading materials Most of the classes can be one-on-one However some group lessons may be

Required full training will be provided As a part of your onboarding process Okay so there's a little bit about the Tefl industry you can read do I have to Speak a second language to teach English You do not you are required to speak English only and not a foreign language Which is great and so the students will Become fully immersed in the language You may be encouraged to learn a few Simple phrases from the student's Personal language so you can greet and Introduce yourself however you won't Need to be fluent it's far more Important that the students be fully Engrossed in the English language as That's what they're trying to learn so The benefits here work from home Anywhere in the world flexible schedule Meet inquisitive Learners from a variety Of cultures and potential to progress And take on extra responsibilities the Requirements a bachelor's degree is Preferred you don't need it but you do Need that tefl certification you must Have good command of English be willing To work from home have a quiet dedicated Workspace you can be proficient in using A computer and you have energetic Pleasant and an engaging personality so That is all about this job there will be A short pre-application questionnaire And then from there there will be more Steps given so thirty dollars per hour

Pick your schedule set your own hours Work anywhere in the world as long as English is your first language you know It fluently and you have that tefl Certification so if you are interested In applying for this role I will have it Linked on my website work from home Withcc.com you can access that from the Description box below if this one was Not for you maybe share with a friend And on your screen are two other job Videos I've posted check those out you Might find a better match for yourself There click my face to subscribe because You never miss an upload and I will talk To you in my next video bye

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