$47,000 – $49,000 Year Healthcare Work From Home Job Processing & Routing Documents | No Degree |USA

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Welcome back my friends to another job Lead and happy Good Friday we're gonna Dive straight into it the links to Everything I share are always in the YouTube description box today's job lead Is from the company Advent Health they Have over a thousand reviews they Probably have about 1500 reviews on Glassdoor with a 3.9 out of 5 star Rating they are hiring a document Management specialist now this is remote And it is a Monday through Friday Position the print is really small on The application page I will do my best To blow it up as the best I can in Editing did they say that they offer Benefits from day one you have a paid Time off a career development and Mental Health Resources and this is a remote Work from home position they are looking For somebody to be a part of their Payment posting team to help with the Documentation from insurance companies So you'll obtain and process both hard Copy and electronic documents received From third parties which is insurance Companies and patients at the payer lock Boxes that can include scanning document Typing indexing and workflow routing You'll use your professional judgment to Make a decision on the routing and Document retrieval needs of the Correspondence including indexing those Documents to the correct patient

Accounts in the patient accounting System or sending them and sharing the Documents with other departments for Special processing you'll be responsible For for performing a quality checks on Those documents scanned and detect any Image errors and determine the causes of The errors so the main basis of this job Is going through the documentation and Indexing it to where it needs to go Making sure it's free of Errors now one Thing you may have to do this is mostly A non phone job but it does say you may Have to pick up the phone make an Outbound phone call and contact the Insurance companies and the payers when Additional information is necessary to Address a question on the correspondence Now they are not requiring any kind of College degree just a high school Diploma or GED they want someone who's Proficient in Microsoft Office Outlook Excel word someone who can problem solve Be effective in their communication Skills someone who's strong data entry Skills they prefer somebody who has Medical terminology knowledge but it is Not required now of course they did not List exact pay in the job description That'll have to be asked at the Interview but I always try to find an Estimate for you on a pay and according To Glassdoor a document management Specialist with Avant help makes

Anywhere from forty seven thousand Dollars a year all the way up to forty Nine thousand dollars a year all right As always if this job lead was not for You please feel free to anything Specific that you're looking for in the Comments thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me if you're Celebrating this holiday weekend and Easter I hope you have a fabulous Weekend ahead and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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